
Title Off-campus Access Rights
中國方志庫 P
中國歷代石刻史料匯編 P
中國歷史文獻總庫. 民國圖書數據庫 Early Twentieth Century Books in China, 1911-1949 P
中國歷史文獻總庫. 紅色文獻數據庫 China Revolution Literature Database P
中國知網 CNKI P
中國連環畫數字圖書館 Sinocomic Digital Library P
中國重要報紙全文數據庫 China Core Newspapers Full-text Database (via CNKI 中國知網) P
中文期刊全文數據庫 (民國時期期刊全文數據庫) Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (via 全國報刊索引) P
中文社會科學引文索引 Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) P
中文集獻 Chinamaxx P
中華數字書苑 China Digital Library A
中華文史學術論著庫 P
九宮大成 電子版 Nine Modes Manual Online No restriction
人民日報 People's Daily P
內閣大庫檔案 Archives of the Grand Secretariat P
古今圖書集成 P
四部叢刊 (via 書同文古籍數據庫) P
大學數字圖書館國際合作計劃 China Academic Digital Associative Library (CADAL) P
字林洋行中英文報紙全文數據庫 North China daily news & Herald newspapers and Hong lists (via 全國報刊索引) P
學術期刊庫 China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database (CNKI) P
尚儀近代華文書籍暨圖像資料庫 P
文泉學堂 P
文淵閣四庫全書電子版 Siku Quanshu (Wenyuange Edition) Online Subscription Services Within Library use only
日治時期期刊影像系統 Image System for Periodicals of the Japanese - ruled Period No restriction
明實錄、朝鮮王朝實錄、清實錄資料庫 No restriction
晚清期刊全文數據庫 Late Qing Dynasty Periodical Full-text Database (via 全國報刊索引) P
歷代文玩器物譜錄全文庫 P
民國近代史料 China revolution literature database P
漢籍全文資料庫 Scripta Sinica database P
漢達文庫 CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) P


Important Notes:

  • Users should not use Virtual Private Network (VPN) service when accessing e-resources from off campus. This may trigger suspension of user's account.
  • For security reason, you are advised to change NetPassword regularly via IdPortal and follow the password rules. Please visit the ITS website for details.