
Book Chat Group Collage

READ@PolyU is the campus-wide reading programme of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Our vision is to build an empathetic, creative, and courageous community of learners and global citizens for whom reading is a source of knowledge and creativity. The Programme was launched in 2011 to promote a love of reading, and to date remains the only one of its kind in Hong Kong. Each year, students are invited to pick up a free copy of the common book and join a Book Chat Group to launch a new year of reading.

Our mission To promote a reading culture at PolyU via a campus-wide reading programme.

Our vision To build an empathetic, imaginative, and courageous community of learners and global citizens for whom reading is a source of knowledge and creativity.


  • Facilitate the adoption of a personal reading practice and identification as a reader.
  • Amplify the role of reading on campus, by starting a conversation on reading and inviting the whole campus to join in.
  • Enhance the campus experience and international ambience for PolyU students, by creating opportunities for meaningful, cross-cultural dialogues in the context of reading.

-The Programme Committee-

LIB Dr Shirley Chiu-wing WONG, University Librarian (Co-chair)
ELC Dr Jane ROBBINS, Interim Director of English Language Centre (Co-chair)
Faculty / Department Members
APSS Dr CHAN Kun-sun, Teaching Fellow
APSS Dr Zoe XIAO, Instructor
AAE Dr Yiping JIANG, Assistant Professor
BEEE Prof. Joseph Lai, Associate Head & Professor
ELC Ms Sannie TANG, Language Instructor
LIB Mr William HO, Head of User Experience and Outreach (Programme Secretary)
MM Dr Robert WRIGHT, Associate Professor
SD Mr Kam Fai CHAN, Teaching Fellow
FS Dr Chartia CHEUNG, Lecturer
SHTM Dr Mimi LI, Professor
SFT Dr Carrie WONG, Lecturer
Student Members
RS Ms CHEUNG Kin Yi, Kylie
BRE Ms WONG Sze Lam, Connie

Terms of Reference

  1. The Committee facilitates the planning and development of READ@PolyU.
  2. The Committee is led by our academic community, with representatives from each School/Faculty playing an active role in the programme development, while the Library plays a central role in coordinating and managing the programme.
  3. The Committee makes recommendations to the University on policy and funding issues on the implementation of the programme.



Last updated July 2023

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