Special Equipment Room

Special Equipment Room

A Special Equipment Room is located on the Fourth Floor (Room L401a). It is equipped with special personal computers installed with various hardware and software:

CCTV Magnifier

The CCTV system projects a magnified image of reading material onto a computer monitor. Both color and black and white systems are available.

Braille with Scanner

The device converts text-on-screen to Braille information.


JAWS for Windows is a screen reader software which reads what's on the computer screen. It allows visually impaired users to navigate and access web pages and screen content.


ZoomText is a screen magnifying software which enlarges screen content on computers.

Please make the registration with Student Affairs Office (SAO) for using the room and facilities there. After registration, students could gain access to the room by simply presenting their student ID card to the smart card reader.

To make advance booking for using the room and facilities, please call SAO staff at 2766 6800.