More Loan Services

Borrowing Regulations

The Library is open to students and staff of the University. Users may borrow library materials up to a maximum quota and for the loan period according to the category they belong to as stated in the Library Regulations.

Return and 24x7 Automated Book Return Station

Library materials borrowed from the Library must be returned to the Library on or before the due date. Late return of a library item is an inconvenience to other users and is subject to a fine as specified in the Library Regulations.

PolyU books and audio-visual materials can be returned to the Service Counter, the self-check stations on P/F in Library, or via the 24x7 automated book return station which is located outside the campus turnstiles on the Podium Level near public footbridge connecting to Exit A of Hung Hom MTR Station.

Closed stack items borrowed at the Service Counter have to be returned to the Service Counter on P/F of the Library. HKALL and Interlibrary Loan items have to be returned to the Service Counter on P/F of the Library as well.

Library Notice

All library notices, such as date due reminders, overdues, fines, recalls, and requested item pick-up notices, are emailed to users, i.e. Staff Email for PolyU and CPCE staff, PolyU Connect for PolyU students, College Webmail for CPCE students, and user's own email account for non-PolyU account holders.


All loans are subject to recall any time with the exception of Reserve books and other short-loan items. Once being recalled, the item has to be returned in 28 days or by the original due date, whichever comes earlier. Recall notices with revised due date will be emailed to users and recalled items must be returned on or before the specified due date. Late return will be treated as an overdue and is liable to a fine.

Request for Searching Items Not on Shelves

If an "Available" book, Serial item, Reserve item or Audio Visual item is not found on shelves, user can report the case to the Service Counter.  Our staff will try to locate the item.  User will be informed of the result by phone or email.

Request Service for Remote Store Materials

The Request Service allows eligible users to request the Library's low-usage books, journal articles and audio-visual materials from the Library Remote Store. It is the Library's target to deliver the items to the requestors within three working days.


All users are eligible for this service, except Reader Card holders who are not granted borrowing rights.

Requesting and Borrowing Books and Audio-Visual Materials
  • All borrowing privileges regarding loan quotas, loan period, pick-up period, recalls and renewals are the same as those for books in Book Collection and items in Audio-visual Collection. For details, please refer to Loan Privileges for Library Users.
  • Users can fill in a request form in OneSearch platform to request for books and audio-visual materials from the Remote Store.
  • Requestors will be notified to pick up the requested items via email within a certain period of time as indicated in the Pick-up Notice.
  • Users should pick up the requested items at the location specified in the Pick-up Notice.
  • Users can return the books to the Service Counter, the self-check stations on P/F in Library, or via the 24x7 automated book return station. The audio-visual materials must be returned to the Service Counter.
Requesting Journal Articles
  • Users can fill in a request form in OneSearch platform to request for particular journal articles from the Remote Store.
  • A PDF file of the article will be emailed to the requestor's official PolyU email account (or registered email account for Graduate Card holders or JULAC Card holders).
  • In the case where the requested journal articles are available in e-journal version, the users will be provided the relevant hyperlink for accessing the articles.
Requesting Printed Serials
  • Users can fill in a request form in OneSearch platform to request for printed bound journals or serials from the Remote Store.
  • Requestors will be notified to pick up the requested items via email within a certain period of time as indicated in the Pick-up Notice. 
  • Users should pick up the requested items at the location specified in the Pick-up Notice.
  • Loan period of printed journals/serials:
    • Academic staff and postgraduate students – 2 days
    • Other users – for in-house use only; item return on the same day
  • Users can return the items to the Service Counter, the designated self-check stations on P/F in Library, or via the 24x7 automated book return station.
Requesting Standards
  • Users can fill in a request form in OneSearch platform to request for particular Standards from the Remote Store.
  • Requestors will be notified to pick up the requested items via email within a certain period of time as indicated in the Pick-up Notice. 
  • Loan period is 6-hour in-house use or less than 6 hours before Library Counter close.
  • Users are required to return the items by hand to the Service Counter.
Request Procedures
Books, Audio-visual materials, and Standards

In OneSearch Platform

  • Once you find the desired item, click SIGN IN on the top right hand corner of the screen.
  • Sign in to your library account with your NetID and NetPassword.
  • Click on "Request" next to the desired copy/volume in the item record.
  • Requestors will be notified by email when the requested item is ready for pick-up. Please check your email account regularly.
Printed Serials and Journal Articles

In OneSearch Platform

  • Once you find the desired item, click SIGN IN on the top right hand corner of the screen.
  • Sign in to your library account with your NetID and NetPassword.
  • Click on "Request (Remote Store)" next to the desired volume/issue in the item record.
  • Fill in the form with necessary information and submit.
  • In case you wish to request the printed volume of bound journal, please indicate so in the Comment field.
  • The Library will email a PDF file of the journal article to the requestor.
  • If a printed volume of bound journal is requested, the requestor will be notified by email when the bound journal is ready for pick-up. Please check your email account regularly.


For any enquiries on borrowing services, please contact the Service Counter at 2766-6864.

Self-check Service

Library users can check out and return library materials by themselves using self-check stations in the Library, or return Library materials by themselves via the 24x7 Automated Book Return Station outside the Library. Users can collect most of the requested items from the Self-pickup Station in the Reserve & Audio Visual Collections area on P/F of the Library.

Location of Self-check Service Type of Operation Type of Materials
P/F Borrow and Return PolyU Books & Audio Visual materials
P/F (Reserve & Audio Visual Collections area) Borrow and Return Reserve Collection & Audio Visual materials
P/F (Reserve & Audio Visual Collections area) Pickup Requested items
1/F North Wing
3/F South Wing
4/F South Wing
5/F North Wing
Borrow ONLY PolyU Books & Audio Visual materials
Outside the campus turnstiles on the Podium Level near the Library Return ONLY PolyU Books & Audio Visual materials