
Available at : Online Access  

Off-campus Access Rights : P - PolyU Staff/Students only 
Search Guide
No. of Concurrent Users : 2

This database (series 1-3) is composed of high-quality academic sources which cover disciplines related to Chinese traditional culture, such as literature, history, and philosophy. It includes over 390 scholarly works, with a total of 280 million words.


  1. Authorised users are required to log in via the "Online Access" link and can view the content within the IP range. 
  2. Registration and login are required for personalised features such as content copying.
  3. Authorised users can choose to register using their personal email or mobile number. Registering for a personal account does not require being within the IP range. Details can be found in the manual.
  4. This database does not support borrowing, reservation, printing, or downloading. Each registered member is limited to copying 12,000 words daily after logging into their account.

中華文史學術論著庫 (第一至三期) 以高質量的學術成果為資源主體,涵蓋與中國傳統文化相關的文學、歷史、哲學等專業學科。現已推出核心學術期刊5種471期,學術著作396種,總計約2.8億字。


  1. 理工大學的用戶必須通過“Online Access”的連結使用此庫。
  2. 此庫IP內可以查看內文,要使用個人化功能,例如複製內容,才需註冊登入。
  3. 讀者可選擇使用電郵或手機號註冊。申請登記個人會員帳號不需要在IP範圍內。登記電郵可使用私人電郵。詳細登入說明可查看操作說明
  4. 此庫是資料庫性質,因此此庫並沒有借閱、預約、列印、下載等功能。出版社只允許用戶複製有限的內容。每位已註冊會員登入帳號後,每日限制複製12000個字。