
Title Off-campus Access Rights
3D Anatomy for Speech Language Pathology (via Anatomy.TV) P
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conferences No restriction
Archives Unbound - Asian Studies (via Gale) P
Art & Architecture Complete (via EbscoHost) P
Art & Architecture in Video (via Alexander Street) P
Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson) (via EbscoHost) P
ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM) (via ProQuest) P
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) (via Web of Science) P
Bibliography of Asian Studies (via EbscoHost) P
British Library Newspapers (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World: Diplomacy and Political Secrets, 1869-1950 (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain and China, Part I, 1841-1951. War and Colonial Department and Colonial Office: Hong Kong, Original Correspondence (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain and China, Part II, 1965–1993 (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World: Imperial China and The West, Part II, 1865-1905 (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World: Imperial China and The West, Part I, 1815-1881 (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals, 1817-1949 (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World: Records of Shanghai and the International Settlement, 1836-1955 (via Gale) P
China and the Modern World: Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China, 1854-1949 (via Gale) P
China Core Newspapers Full-text Database 中國重要報紙全文數據庫 (via CNKI 中國知網) P
China: Trade, Politics and Culture P
Clarity English P
CNKI 工具書總庫 (China Reference Works Online) P
Design & Applied Arts Index (DAAI)(via ProQuest) P
Digital Collections Portal No restriction
Education Statistics (EdStats) No restriction
Emerald Insight P
ERIC (via EbscoHost) P
ERIC via Institute of Education Sciences (IES) No restriction
European Views of the Americas, 1493-1750 (via EbscoHost) P


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