EndNote X9 is now available for PolyU users!
Download now!
What's New?
Enhanced Reference-Sharing Capabilities
- Share your library with read-write or read-only access right
- Share a specific group of your references with other EndNote Web users
- View groups shared by other EndNote Web users
New Reference Types
Four new reference types for citing social and other electronic media: Discussion Forum, Multimedia Application, Social Media, and Television Episode.
Manuscript Matcher
Help find the best fit journals for publishing based on:
- the title and abstract of your manuscript, and
- the references in your EndNote library or a Word document.
How can I upgrade to EndNote X9?
Simply download EndNote X9 from our webpage without uninstalling the old version. You will be able to access the references in your existing EndNote libraries. This will not affect the in-text citations you added in your Word document either.
What is EndNote?
EndNote is a powerful reference management tool to help you collect, organize and share your references, thus improving your efficiency in academic paper writing. Explore how EndNote can help you from our webpage or contact any of our helpful librarians.