Fashion, Clothing & Textiles

Title Off-campus Access Rights
ACCURIS Engineering Workbench (formerly IHS) Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
ACI Manual of Concrete Practice Within Library use only
ACM Digital Library P
ASTM Compass Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
Berg Fashion Library P
British Standards Online (BSOL). BSI Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
British Standards Online (BSOL). ISO Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
Design & Applied Arts Index (DAAI)(via ProQuest) A
Digital Image Database No restriction
Dissertations & Theses @ Hong Kong Polytechnic University (via ProQuest) A
ECS Digital Library P
Emerald Insight P
Fashion Shows P
JSTOR Artstor P
Just Style Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
Passport Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
PressReader P
Statista Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
Vogue Archive (via ProQuest) A
WGSN City by City Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
WGSN Fashion Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
WGSN Insight Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
WGSN Interiors Off campus & on campus access for PolyU Staff & students only
World Textiles (via EbscoHost) P
WWD (Women's Wear Daily) P

Important Notes:

  • Users should not use Virtual Private Network (VPN) service when accessing e-resources from off campus. This may trigger suspension of user's account.
  • For security reason, you are advised to change NetPassword regularly via IdPortal and follow the password rules. Please visit the ITS website for details.