Available at : Online Access through SSO login
Note: Login to WGSN requires multi-factor authentication. You will need to install the "Microsoft Authenticator" app on your mobile phone to facilitate the login. For details, please refer to the guide on ITS' website.
Off-campus Access Rights : P - PolyU Staff/Students only
On-campus Access Rights : P - PolyU Staff/Students only
Terms and Conditions

WGSN is the leading online trend-analysis and research service providing creative and business intelligence for the apparel, style, design and retail industries. WGSN City by City and WGSN Insight are available through the WGSN homepage.  

The Library also has subscription to WGSN Fashion Design and WGSN Interiors.


Important Notes:

  • Users should not use Virtual Private Network (VPN) service when accessing e-resources from off campus. This may trigger suspension of user's account.
  • For security reason, you are advised to change NetPassword regularly via IdPortal and follow the password rules. Please visit the ITS website for details.