Hong Kong Education Bibliographic Database (香港教育文獻數據庫)

Available at : Online Access

This database has been developed by The Education University of Hong Kong Library as an easy-to-use annotated online database for researchers to quickly identify all research literature related to education in Hong Kong. It is one of the "Hong Kong Education Heritage" projects initiated by The Education University of Hong Kong to preserve the cultural heritage of education in Hong Kong. The Bibliographic Database, first launched as a beta testing site in November 2010, is fully searchable by commonly used index fields such as author, title, publication year and keyword. In addition, a tree-structured subject classification based on two previous bibliographic projects (see below) has been established to allow researchers to locate items of interest easily by browsing. Brief annotations or abstracts will also be included for all items once the Bibliographic Database is completed.


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  • For security reason, you are advised to change NetPassword regularly via IdPortal and follow the password rules. Please visit the ITS website for details.