ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID and ORCID help you showcase your publications and establish your research network. The following table explains what ResearcherID and Scopus Author ID are, how to manage ResearcherID and Scopus Author ID profiles, and how to link them to an ORCID profile.
RESEARCHERID | Scopus Author ID |
What are they?
ResearcherID is a unique identifier assigned to registered researchers in order to reduce identity problems. Researchers can add publications (even not indexed by Web of Science) to their ResearcherID profiles. Citation metrics such as number of times cited and h-index are automatically calculated using data from Web of Science. |
The Scopus Author ID is a unique number automatically assigned to each author who has published an article indexed by Scopus. It groups together all the publications written by that author. Citation metrics such as number of times cited and h-index are calculated using data from Scopus. Authors should check all the publications appearing in their profiles and request corrections if needed to ensure that their citation metrics are accurate. |
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How it works?
ResearcherID is user initiated. Each member is assigned a unique identifier to enable them to manage their publication lists, track their times cited counts and h-index, identify potential collaborators and avoid author misidentification. Works not indexed in Web of Science can also be added, provided that they are in RIS format. Citation metrics will only be automatically generated for records in Web of Science Core Collection. |
Scopus Author ID is automatically generated by Scopus. Scopus Author Identifier uses an algorithm that matches author names based on their affiliation, address, subject area, source title, dates of publication citations, and co-authors. When you search, this feature returns documents written by that author, even when an author is cited differently. As a result, searches for a specific author include a preferred name and variants of the preferred name. This helps researchers find and recognize an author, despite variations in name spelling. |
How to create an account and enrich my profile?
What if I find incorrect data at my research profile?
Click on “Feedback” at the bottom of the Web of Science page or simply click Web of Science Feedback to report errors in:
Fill in Ask A Question to correct errors found in Scopus :
What if I have two author profiles? How can I merge them?
Currently, you are not able to merge ResearcherID accounts directly because each ResearcherID is registered with a unique email. If you need to merge multiple acounts registered with different emails, fill in the Technical Support form and provide the ResearcherID number and email address of the ResearcherID account that you wish to delete. (Watch a video: Recorded Training on Using EndNote to Edit ResearcherID or Read: ResearcherID: Merging User Accounts) |
Conduct an author search in Scopus to locate the multiple author profiles usually caused by name variants. Report to Scopus by selecting the name variants and clicking on |
Connecting to ORCID
Why connect ResearcherID and Scopus Author ID to ORCID?
More information on associating an ORCID account with ResearcherID: Watch a video: |
You can use Scopus2Orcid wizard to send Scopus Author details and publication list to ORCID. The wizard takes you through the steps of finding the correct profile(s) in Scopus and checking the publications it contains. Once you've reviewed the profile and identified any corrections,