The Library is here to support your additional studying needs during the Revision & Examination Period from 22 Nov to 17 Dec 2021.
Opening Hours & 24-Hour Study Centre
During the period, the Library will open from 8:30 AM – 11:00 PM Monday through Sunday. The 24-hour Study Centre in 1/F North Wing of the Library will open 7x24.
Freeing Up Seats with Unattended Personal Belongings
Please be considerate to the needs of fellow students who are also studying for examinations. Do not reserve seats with personal belongings. At busy times, Library staff patrolling will leave a reminder at desks with unattended personal belongings. If the desk is later found unoccupied for 30 minutes or more, the unattended belongings will be removed by Library staff to free up the desk for other users. Personal belongings cleared can be claimed from the Loan & Return Counter on Podium Floor.
A Quiet Study Environment
From 22 Nov to 17 Dec 2021, major noisy construction works will be suspended. Library users with needs can always stop by any of our service counters to request for a pair of complimentary ear plugs. For alternative quiet study areas on campus, check the Library Extension and Revitalisation (LER) Project website for details.
Strict silence must be observed in quiet study areas. Staff patrolling will remind users discussing in quiet study space to move to group study areas. If you are disturbed by users talking in quiet study areas, please report it to any of our service counters. A Library staff member will then be dispatched to address the issue in the moment.
Examination Papers Database to Help with Revision
The PolyU Examination Paper Database collects examination papers received from academic departments of the University. Try a past paper to get familiar with the question formats, and time yourself for different types of questions.
Priority for PolyU Students in Using Library Study Space
The Library will implement the Limited Access Arrangement for JULAC Student Card Holders to block students from other universities to access the PolyU Library before 6 PM. As other local university libraries may have similar arrangement during their examination period, please check the webpage of other libraries if you plan to visit them.
Help with Finding Library Resources
Finally, Library staff are always here to help you locate print or electronic resources to prepare for examinations or assignments. Please approach our Library staff for help anytime.
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