News & Events

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贏取香港書展入場券──參加READ@PolyU X 文化七月作者講座

Event Tuesday, June 21, 2016 - 14:23

作者: 江岸碧老師

時間:下午2:30 - 3:30

自香港中文大學畢業後,江岸碧便達成兒時的夢想,成為一位老師,在二十年的教學生涯中,教導和輔導過不同組別學校和不同類型的學生,原來最考驗她的教育理念、價值觀、智慧和愛心的,卻是家中那位「超級學生」— 一個有專注力不足和自閉傾向的小男孩。生活和思想經過10年翻天覆地的變化和沉澱後,願意將當中的點滴跟別人分享。

名額: 20位


查詢電話號碼:2766 6893

主辦機構:香港理工大學包玉剛圖書館 及 香港貿易發展局 

Digital Dissertation Consortium - slow response or service temporarily unavailable (9 Jun 2016 - 12 Jun 2016)

Notice Friday, June 10, 2016 - 11:33


Termination of Flexicard Service from 1 Jul 2016

News Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - 17:56

With Octopus payment now accepted on all Library printers and copiers, the Library has decided to gradually phase out the Flexicard service and will terminate the support for Flexicards after 30 Jun 2016 in order to save the cost of maintaining the service.  New Flexicards are no longer available for sale in the Library.  Payments by Flexicards are still accepted in some Library printers until 30 Jun 2016.

If you still own a Flexicard and would like to refund for the card deposit, please approach the Technical Support Desk, 3/F, Library, on or before 30 Jun 2016.  Refund requests after this deadline will not be accepted.  Please note that the Library will not refund any remaining valued stored in the card.  You are therefore reminded to use up the remaining stored value in your Flexicard as soon as possible and not later than 30 Jun 2016.  You can check the remaining value at 3/F Technical Support Desk with your Flexicard or by using the Flexicard readers available in two B&W printers in 3/F Multimedia Commons.

For further enquiries regarding the above, please contact our 3/F Technical Support Desk in person or by phone at 2766-6890.

Photo of Flexicard

Login to myRecord with NetID

News Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 11:45

PolyU staff and students can now use their PolyU NetID to login to myRecord, to renew their loans and to request Library items. 

For enquiries or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us (tel: 2766-6863 / whatsapp: 6423-0820).


Temporary Closure of G/F 24-hour Study Centre for Carpet Cleaning and Pest Control (18 & 19 May)

News Monday, May 16, 2016 - 09:42

G/F 24-hour Study Centre will be temporarily closed for carpet cleaning and pest control with schedule below:

Date & Time Arrangement
18 May 2016
8:30am - 3:00pm

Please use other areas of the Library

19 May 2016
8:30am - 2:00pm

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Closure of L301f Seminar Room for Building Works in Summer (May – Jun 2016)

Notice Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 18:31

For enhancing the study and learning environment, the building works will be carried out according to the schedule below:

Location Work Description Work Period Arrangement
L301f Video Wall Installation 16 May 2016 (Mon) - 10 Jun 2016 (Fri)
  • Noise will be generated from 17 May 2016 (Tue) to 18 May 2016 (Wed)

Please kindly use other rooms in the Library for your study and learning. We apologize for any inconveniences caused.
