Resumption of HKALL and InterLibrary Loan with effect from 2 March 2020
With effect from 2 Mar 2020, in addition to requesting books in PolyU Library with the Physical Resource Retrieval Service, eligible PolyU staff and students can also request books from other UGC funded university libraries using the HKALL service via OneSearch. Eligible PolyU staff and students can also request for books from overseas libraries using the Interlibrary Loan Service.
Extension of service hours of Physical Resources Retrieval Service
With effect from Monday, 9 March 2020, Physical Resources Retrieval Service for all PolyU staff and students will be from 9am to 7pm on Mondays to Fridays.
Purchase of e-versions of print books in course reading lists
To facilitate online teaching and learning, the Library has been acquiring over 1,600 e-version of print books listed in course reading lists. By doing this, students can have 24x7 accessibility to core course teaching resources. The titles will be added into the Library’s collection as and when it is available. Do look out for them!
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via the following channels:
- Call 2766-6863 (Mondays - Fridays)
- WhatsApp 6423-0820 (Mondays - Fridays)
- Write to us
Pao Yue-kong Library
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University