This self-paced course on Learn@PolyU is designed to support the learning and research needs of postgraduate students. It aims to equip postgraduate students with skills and knowledge to conduct research for assignments and dissertation, with particular focus on the literature review process, database searching, and finding key research through researcher profiles and more.
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The course will appear in your Learn@PolyU My Courses within two working days after registration.
Course modules:
Module 1 – Using OneSearch
Find books and articles via OneSearch within and beyond the PolyU Library
Module 2 – Using Advanced Search
How advanced search would help in finding scholarly resources for your assignments and research topics
Module 3 – Library Databases
How to use library databases for in-depth research
Module 4 - Retrieve Related Articles
Find more similar articles on your research topic
Module 5 – Citing References
What is a citation, why do we cite, and how to cite?
Module 6 – Researcher Profiles
What are researcher profiles? Why use them?
For further learning support, email us at lbinf@polyu.edu.hk, get in touch with your Faculty Librarian, or contact us via various channels.
Pao Yue-kong Library
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University