Library's Online AV Resources - Learn through Watching & Listening


Listening to audiobooks and watching videos for formal and informal learning have become more and more popular with the proliferation of digital and mobile technologies. Online AV resources also provide useful materials for research and teaching, in addition to other materials.


The Library has subscribed to a wide range of online audio and video resources in different disciplines and you may access to them even you are off-campus simply with your NetID and NetPassword: 

Featured Online Audiobook Collections:


  • HyRead
    This collection provides around 200 audiobooks in a variety of subjects, including language learning books for English, Japanese and Korean. This guide provides steps on how to check out audiobooks on this platform.

  • iRead eBook
    This collection provides over 200 audiobooks for learning languages like English, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.


Featured Online Video Resources:

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us by  email  or phone calls at  2766-6863  (9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays) during this period.

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