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News & Events
Limited Access Arrangement for Student JULAC Cardholders (4 Dec - 15 Dec 2017)
CALL FOR ENTRIES | READ@PolyU 2017/18: Diary-Writing Competition
Reflect on one day in your life in a diary entry no more than 500 words, for a chance to win an iPad or Apple watch!
Open to all PolyU full-time first year undergraduate students.
Deadline: 15 December 2017
For more details, go to
中國經濟與社會發展統計數據庫 (China Statistical Yearbooks Database) (Trial)
此資料庫收集了由1949 年至今大概 一千種共七千多册之中國中央级和省级统计年鉴及资料
Expiry date: 6 Dec 2017
Exhibition - Chinese Wartime Science Through the Lens of Joseph Needham
Date: Now until 30 Nov 2017 (Thu)
Time: Monday - Saturday: 8:30am - 11:00pm
Sunday & public holidays: 12:00noon - 10:00pm
Venue: P/F, Pao Yue-kong Library
An exhibition "Chinese Wartime Science Through the Lens of Joseph Needham" is being held on the Podium Floor of the Library until 30 Nov 2017. Presented by the East Asian History of Science Foundation Hong Kong, the exhibition features 11 banners and a short video for Library users to gain an understanding of the life of Dr. Joseph Needham (1900-1994) and his contribution to the history of science and technology in China.
For enquiries, please call 2766-6863 or email to
Scheduled network maintenance for Library on 25 Nov 2017 from 03:00 to 04:00
Please note that there will be a scheduled network maintenance for the whole Library building on 25 Nov 2017 from 03:00 to 04:00. Network services (e.g. WiFi, internet) in the Library including 24-hour study centre will be unavailable during the mentioned period.
We apologise for the inconvenient caused.
[Publishing Seminar] Making Your Research Open in the Right Way (by Taylor and Francis)
When making your research Open Access, what are some key issues you need to be aware of? How do you share your work while maintaining research integrity?
Open Access is commonly referred to making the research articles freely available online, through either publishing in an OA journal ("Gold OA"), or self-archiving a copy of the manuscript in a depository ("Green OA"). Increasingly, funders, institutions and some journals are requiring openness in other aspects of the research workflow, like dataset or a data management plan. Within this new landscape of OpenScience, how as a researcher, do you navigate a path to openness especially dealing with sensitive issues with research integrity?
This talk will assist researchers in asking questions such as:
- Why should I make my research Open Access?
- Looking at the benefits to you, and your research in pursuing open options - How can I make my research Open Access?
- Exploring options for making research open with integrity including: which versions of articles can be shared, sharing of data and datasets, and where they can be shared - What are the ethical concerns of being Open Access?
- Providing information on re-use of Open content, peer review integrity, and ethical responsibilities for authors
Date: 3 Nov 2017 (Fri)
Time: 10:00 - 11:30am
Venue: Learning Lab 1, 3/F, Library
Speaker: Ms. Lyndsey Dixon (Regional Journals Editorial Director of the Asia Pacific portfolio, Taylor & Francis)
Registration: Please click on this link for registration.
About Speaker:

Lyndsey Dixon is the Regional Journals Editorial Director of the Asia Pacific portfolio at Taylor & Francis. Lyndsey has been based in Asia for the last few years, having moved to Singapore from the Taylor & Francis Head Office in Oxford, UK where she was the Publisher for the Environment & Agriculture portfolio. She has been working in the publishing industry for the last nine years and has experience in a number of roles in both books and journals, working with Academic Societies, Editors and Authors from across the globe.
Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics Online (Trial)
An online reference which offers a systematic overview of the languages of China and the different ways in which they are and have been studied, with coverage on the linguistics traditions of these languages.
Expiry date: 21 Nov 2017
READ@PolyU: A Conversation with Jeffrey Andrews - Hong Kong's First Ethnic Minority Social Worker
Time: 12:30 - 13:30, 2 November 2017
Venue: Connect Place, G/F, Pao Yue-kong Library
To register, please go to:
Service of “IEEE Courses” and “IEEE/IEE Electronic Library” are temporarily unavailable from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon & 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm on 21 Oct 2017
How to Publish a Technical Paper with IEEE
How to Publish a Technical Paper with IEEE
To help our engineering students and faculty enhance their ability to get published and share their research with the scholarly community, the Library has collaborated with IEEE to organize a free authorship workshop offering advice on everything from how the IEEE publishing process works to basic writing tips and submitting a manuscript. Prof. Wan-Chi Siu, former IEEE editor from PolyU, will share his valuable experience as an author in getting published as well as provide insight into the editorial and peer review process at IEEE.
Topics to be covered include:
- Benefits of getting published
- How to choose where to publish a paper
- What editors look for in a submission
- Why editors and reviewers reject papers
- Aiding discovery with the right title, abstracts, and keywords
- Paper structure and organization
- Ethics and avoiding misconduct pitfalls
- tools available from IEEE
Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: Y304
Speaker: Prof. Wan-Chi Siu (Chair Professor, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, PolyU)
All engineering students and staff are welcome!
About Speaker:

Prof. Wan-Chi Siu, Chair Professor from Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, PolyU. Fellow of the IEEE, former Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, and former Guest Editor and Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.