News & Events

[Library Online Course] Library Resources & Services for Undergraduate Students

News Thursday, September 3, 2020 - 09:01

Tailor-made for undergraduate students, this online course aims to equip you with essential skills and knowledge areas for your study like when you have to complete a research assignment. The online setting provides you with flexible time and space to genuinely learn and master the skills of using library resources and services for your academic journey.

Register Now
The course will appear in your Learn@PolyU My Courses within two working days after registration.

The online course consists of 6 modules:

  • Module 1 – Get started with your research assignment!
  • Module 2 – Using OneSearch
  • Module 3 – Using Advanced Search
  • Module 4 – Library Databases
  • Module 5 – Find Related Articles
  • Module 6 – Citing References

For further learning support, email us at, get in touch with your Faculty Librarian, or contact us via various channels.

Pao Yue-kong Library 
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

[Library Online Course] Library Resources & Services for Postgraduate Students

News Wednesday, September 2, 2020 - 09:38

This self-paced course on Learn@PolyU is designed to support the learning and research needs of postgraduate students. It aims to equip postgraduate students with skills and knowledge to conduct research for assignments and dissertation, with particular focus on the literature review process, database searching, and finding key research through researcher profiles and more.

Register Now
The course will appear in your Learn@PolyU My Courses within two working days after registration.

Course modules:

Module 1 – Using OneSearch

Find books and articles via OneSearch within and beyond the PolyU Library 

Module 2 – Using Advanced Search 

How advanced search would help in finding scholarly resources for your assignments and research topics 

Module 3 – Library Databases

How to use library databases for in-depth research  

Module 4 - Retrieve Related Articles

Find more similar articles on your research topic

Module 5 – Citing References

What is a citation, why do we cite, and how to cite? 

Module 6 – Researcher Profiles

What are researcher profiles? Why use them? 


For further learning support, email us at, get in touch with your Faculty Librarian, or contact us via various channels.


Pao Yue-kong Library 
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Extension of Due Dates

Notice Monday, August 10, 2020 - 09:25

The Library have extended all loans with due dates from 15 Jul 2020, except the recalled items, short-loan items (i.e. Reserve books and AV Collection items), and the non-PolyU books (i.e. HKALL and ILL books). The extended due date of applicable loans and renewals:

Loans and renewals by academic, research & administrative staff, and postgraduate students: extended to the new term loan due date, i.e. 11 Jan 2021, or the expiry date of the borrower’s current status whichever is earlier.

Loans and renewals by undergraduate students and other borrowers: extended to 30 Sep 2020, or the expiry date of the borrower’s current status whichever is earlier.

All loans are subject to recall. Borrowers should return loans by due date as far as possible. Late return will be liable to overdue fine. Please login at to check the latest due date of your borrowed item(s). 

You may return Library items to the book drop situated below the Loan & Return Counter at Library P/F during Library opening hours, or via the book drop located outside the campus turnstiles on Podium Level (near public footbridge towards Exit A Hung Hom MTR Station) when the Library is closed.

If you are unable to return borrowed items in person, the Library may accept other means of delivery, e.g. by post or by courier. Please contact us by email at should you need further assistance on returning of items.

[Library Webinar] Cochrane Library – Literature Searching and Tips to Support Systematic Reviews

News Thursday, August 6, 2020 - 11:27

The Cochrane Library is an electronic collection designed to supply high quality, independent evidence in health care.

In this webinar, you will be guided through the Cochrane Library platform to get familiar with its interface and essential features. Some latest enhancements and updates, including the new PICO search, will be introduced.

Topics will be covered:

  • Content available in Cochrane Library and its compositions
  • How to get around in the platform
  • What’s new in Cochrane
  • Using PICO Search to support EBM research
  • How to set up alerts and find help

Ms Lydia Ngai, the Faculty Librarian of Health and Social Sciences will also share tips on retrieving Systematic Reviews using other health-related databases subscribed by PolyU Library.

Students and staff who are interested in finding resources on Health Sciences are welcome!

Register Now
Registration will close on the day before the scheduled webinar.
The webinar will be delivered via Learn@PolyU (Collaborate Ultra).

Date: 18 August 2020 (Tue)
Time: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Speaker: Alejandra Barciela (Associate Director, Customer Training of John Wiley and Sons)
Moderator: Lydia Ngai, Faculty Librarian (Health & Social Sciences)

About the speaker:

Alejandra Barciela is an Associate Director, Customer Training, for John Wiley and Sons. During her 10 years at Wiley, Alejandra also worked as an editor and project manager for textbooks and online courses. She currently manages the global training program for Wiley Research.

To learn more about Library Webinars and Online Courses, you can visit our website here.  

[LER] Alternative Quiet Study Space for Library Users (3 Aug 2020 to 31 Aug 2023)

Notice Monday, August 3, 2020 - 09:00

Alternative quiet study areas are now available to students and Library users on campus during the LER project!

Library Alternative Quiet Study Areas

Location: S403 and Z302
Duration: 3 Aug 2020 to 31 Aug 2023
Time: 8:30a.m to 11:30a.m. (Mon to Sat)

Students and Library users may opt to use the above alternative study areas for quiet study during the course of the construction works, while regular Library services are maintained throughout the project.

Do visit and bookmark the LER webpage to stay tuned for the latest update!

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

贏取往日本交流機會,參加「笹川杯品書知日本」 2020 徵文比賽!

News Monday, August 3, 2020 - 08:45

A Chance to Win a Cultural Exchange Tour to Japan: Write a Reflection on a Japan-Themed Book






  1. 徵文內容
  2. 截止時間
  3. 徵文對象
  4. 投稿方式
    1) 請通過電郵投稿,徵文稿須為word格式。
    2) 投稿接收郵箱:
    3) 投稿電郵主題請寫:《品書知日本2020》投稿
    4) 徵文稿件的檔案名格式為:姓名--學生証號碼--徵文的標題
    5) 本次比賽進入全國決賽階段後,將採用匿名審稿機制,請確定文章內沒有出現姓名和學校資料。
  5. 稿件要求
    1) 徵文語言:中文
    2) 字數限制:1500-2000字(不符合字數要求的徵文將被篩除)
    3) 文章體裁:自由(散文、詩歌除外)
    4) 格式要求:本次比賽以「書」為主題,請在文末以章節附註形式注明所閱圖書名稱及參考文獻。
  6. 徵文聲明:
    1) 參加過其他徵文活動並獲獎的作品不能參選。
    2) 獲獎作品的版權歸本活動主辦者所有,獲獎作品不能參加其他同類徵文活動。
    3) 應徵作品一律不予退稿,請參賽者自留底稿。
  7. 徵文獎勵
    1) 理大校內初選:
    2) 全國決賽評選:
  8. 徵文官網
  9. 評審結果


  1. 主辦單位: 上海交通大學圖書館、日本科學協會、人民中國雜誌社
  2. 理大校內初賽評審單位: 包玉剛圖書館、中文及雙語學系

[LER] Kick-off of Library Extension and Revitalisation Project & Suspension of 4/F and 5/F Toilets at Back Staircases (late Jul - late Nov 2020)

Notice Tuesday, July 28, 2020 - 09:00
The Library Extension and Revitalisation (LER) Project will kick start by renovating the toilets at the back staircases on all floors. To improve and upgrade the toilet facilities, the 5/F Female Student Toilet and 4/F Male Student Toilet will be temporarily closed for renovation from late Jul to end of Nov 2020. During this period, Library users may use the toilets at front staircases as follows: 
LER Project


Front Staircases of the Library: G/F 1/F P/F 3/F 4/F 5/F
Female Student Toilet  
Male Student Toilet    
Accessible Toilet          

Visit and bookmark this webpage for the latest news on LER Project!

The renovation works will involve some noise and disruption. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding. 

Revision of Library Opening hours from 27 July 2020

Notice Saturday, July 25, 2020 - 13:48

Due to the resurgence of coronavirus infections in the community, effective 27 July 2020, the Library’s opening hours will be as follows until further notice: 

Mondays to Fridays:  10 am to 7pm 
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays:  Closed 

For more information on current Library opening arrangements, please refer to this notice.  

Before your visit to the Library, please refer to the Library Homepage for the latest service updates and opening hours. 

Please contact us via the following channels:  

Read@PolyU commonbook annoucement

News Friday, July 24, 2020 - 10:52

Announcing the common book for READ@PolyU 2020! Exhalation is the acclaimed collection of short stories by science fiction writer Ted Chiang. Now you can enjoy reading the e-version at, which is best viewed in PC or laptop. Stay tuned for announcements on the full program, including how to join a Book Chat Group, get a complimentary copy of the book, and attend the exciting webinars we have planned.

From 21 July, only Library P/F opens to PolyU students and staff with Physical Resources Retrieval Service

Notice Sunday, July 19, 2020 - 12:12

Due to the resurgence of coronavirus infections in the community, effective Tuesday 21 July, the P/F study area will be open to PolyU/CPCE students and staff only until further notice. The rest of the Library and the 24-Hour Study Centre will be closed. 


Opening hours are: 


Effective 27 July 2020

Mondays to Fridays:  10am - 7pm 
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed 


All users are required to wear a mask properly when in the Library. Please do not move the tables and chairs around so as to keep a safe social distance.  


Computers, printers and photocopying services on the P/F are available to users on a first-come, first served basis. Two Bloomberg workstations located on the P/F can be booked by PolyU students and staff using the Library iBooking System


PolyU/CPCE students and staff can use the Physical Resources Retrieval Service to request for print books and physical AV resources during this period.  


All users who want to return Library items, please do so via the Book Drop located outside the campus turnstiles on Podium Level (near public footbridge towards Exit A Hung Hom MTR Station) when the Library is closed. 


For Graduate Library and Special Borrower card holders, all borrowed items can be returned within 1 week after access to Library has been resumed again. No fines will be incurred for items borrowed whose original due dates fall within the period of no access to the Library. Please ignore automatically generated overdue notices sent out during this period. 



Before your visit to the Library, please refer to the Library Homepage for the latest service updates and opening hours. 


Please contact us via the following channels: 
