An online reference which offers a systematic overview of the languages of China and the different ways in which they are and have been studied, with coverage on the linguistics traditions of these languages.
Expiry date: 4 August 2018
An online reference which offers a systematic overview of the languages of China and the different ways in which they are and have been studied, with coverage on the linguistics traditions of these languages.
Expiry date: 4 August 2018
*** 參加者將有機會贏取2018年香港書展免費門票 ***
王曉龍,筆名曉龍、王雍。曾獲香港中文大學歷史系文學士,香港大學教育學院教育文憑,香港中文大學文化研究系碩士及通識教育科課程發展與教學碩士。曾擔任香港浸會大學電影學院客席講師,任教劇本分析課程。在大學時期曾擔任聯校電影刊物《觀影》總編輯,其後修讀電影編劇及電影製作課程;曾於《蘋果日報》、《影評人季刊》、《電影雙周刊》、《青年人雙周刊》發表影評,現於香港影評人協會網( 撰寫電影分析文章。
We are renovating the South Wings of Levels 4 and 5 to bring you a well-lit, modern environment in which to conduct quiet study. The new study space will be ready by early Semester 1.
Affected areas: The 4/F and 5/F South Wing reading rooms are temporarily closed, and lift access to 4/F and 5/F is available via designated elevator(s) only, until the start of Semester 1 for AY2018/19.
Effective 3 July 2018, a new Enquiry Counter providing enquiry and research help services will open on P/F, next to the Loan & Return Counter.
Now you can borrow and return Library books, ask questions, and get directions — all from the same convenient location on P/F.
To help you navigate the 3/F Research Enhancement Centre (REC), we have installed:
If you are working on the 3/F, in-person help is still available at two nearby counters:
Affected areas: We will no longer operate the Research Help Desk on 3/F after its relocation to P/F.
Books previously housed on 4/F and 5/F South Wing will be temporarily moved during renovations, but they are still available for borrowing.
If you need a book in the affected call number range (A-G, HF-K), just approach our staff at the P/F Loan & Return Counter and we will retrieve it for you.
Books will be returned to their 4/F and 5/F locations when the renovations are complete.
Affected areas: The Group Study Zone 1 & 2 on G/F are partly occupied to accommodate the displaced books. The Connect Place and Project Rooms (L019b to L019e) in the Group Study Zone 1 are also closed.
In addition, we will be undergoing the following maintenance work:
Façade. Our façade will be undergoing some repairs until 26 August 2018. This work is being overseen by our university’s Facilities Management Office.
Affected areas: The front entrance to the Library is closed for the duration of the exterior maintenance works. Scaffolding will be visible along the building façade.
During these summer improvement works, things may get a bit noisy at the Library. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause. We will do our best to shorten the duration of noisy work in order to minimize disturbance.
Please bear with us as we create a better Library for you!
A maritime intelligence resource which provides shipping and insurance data, news and insights, as well as maritime and commercial law intelligence and analysis.
Expiry date: 18 July 2018
Due to the systems maintenance as scheduled in table below, the affected services and resources may be temporarily unavailable during the maintenance period.
Date |
Time |
Service name |
2018-06-19 |
08:30 – 14:00 |
PolyU Institutional Research Archive (PIRA) |
2018-06-20 |
08:30 – 14:00 |
Online submission of enquiries and suggestions |
2018-06-21 |
08:30 – 14:00 |
Course Programme |
2018-07-09 |
08:30 – 14:00 |
Video on demand |
For further enquiries, please contact Research Help Desk at 2766-6863 / Technical Support Desk at 2766-6909.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Location |
Work Description |
Work/Affected Period |
Arrangement |
South Wing of 4/F & 5/F |
Closed for renovation |
18 May – 14 Sep |
Passenger lifts |
Lift access partly restricted |
14 Jun – 14 Sep |
G/F Group Study Zone 1 & 2 |
User areas partly occupied for book storage |
18 May – 14 Sep |
P/F Loan & Return Counter |
Minor alteration works |
25-26 Jun |
3/F Research Enhancement Centre |
Enclosing office area |
3-4 Jul |
West elevation of the Library |
External wall finishes repairs |
4 Jun – 26 Aug |
Front staircase |
Rubber flooring rectification |
By end of Aug |
Library will try shortening the noisy work duration and minimize the disturbance. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your forbearance.
小說出版後 ,反應熱烈。電子書正在全球發行 ,作者也計劃將小說故事搬上電影大銀幕。
同場展出作者多年的藝術收藏,亦會全港首播《生命有寬度— 小說篇》紀錄片。
*** 參加者將有機會贏取2018年香港書展免費門票 ***
2017 年發起“前進咖啡行動”。
Emerald Insight – Service temporarily unavailable
(3:00 pm on 22 May. 2018 – 3:00 am on 23 May. 2018)