Be a Facilitator for the READ@PolyU Book Chat sessions!
Help our students explore their reading in a relaxed, small group atmosphere. All academic staff are warmly welcome to join.
Facilitators will:
- Receive a complimentary copy of the 2019 common book – Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood.
- Be invited to attend a facilitator training session in late August, where they will receive a Facilitator Resource Package and be invited to participate in a Facilitators Book Chat Group.
- Support a Book Chat group of PolyU students in Weeks 2, 3, and 4 of the first semester.*
* The hour-long Book Chat sessions will be held at the Library every weekday in Weeks 2, 3 and 4 between 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Choose a day and time that suits!
Join Now!
What past facilitators had to say:
- “It was a very encouraging sign to witness that students found pleasure in reading. This activity gave me much-needed encouragement for my first semester teaching in Hong Kong.”
- “As a teacher, it made me realize the importance of getting students to open up and sharing their thinking to help broaden their thinking, feeling and acting.”
- “I was impressed with the diversity of students in my group; it was nice to have students from different backgrounds and years interacting together.”
Please sign up on or before 16 August 2019.
For details, please visit the READ@PolyU website.
you have further enquiries, please contact us by email at lbread@polyu.edu.hk.