News & Events

MedOne Education (Trial)

News Monday, February 3, 2025 - 13:22

MedOne Education is a medical learning platform for learning, review and research in the fields of medicine and life sciences. It offers not only review titles but also full-color illustrated medical textbooks that cover topics such as anatomy, basic sciences, clinical sciences, dentistry, osteopathy/physical therapy, radiology, and USMLE® test prep. Additionally, it includes downloadable images and video content.

Expiry date: 31 March 2025

SPIE Digital Library (Trial)

News Monday, February 3, 2025 - 10:13

The SPIE Digital Library contains the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics applied research. Users can access to 517,000+ proceedings papers from SPIE conferences, 52,000+ presentation recording videos of research presented at SPIE conferences and 41,000+ journal papers from 15 SPIE journals.

Expiry date: 3 March 2025

New Databases: 《民國圖書數據庫》及《紅色文獻數據庫》

News Friday, January 24, 2025 - 08:25

Our Library has subscribed to new Chinese databases, including 民國圖書數據庫 (Early Twentieth Century Books in China) and 紅色文獻數據庫 (China Revolution Literature Database), which provide comprehensive resources on modern Chinese history from 1911 to 1949. For more details, please refer to the Chinese description below.


一、《中國歷史文獻總庫. 民國圖書數據庫 Early Twentieth Century Books in China, 1911-1949》收錄超過二十萬種由民國期間出版的中文及外文圖書,用戶即使足不出外也能隨時隨地翻閱當代知識分子所撰寫的各類著述,可謂包羅萬象。



二、《中國歷史文獻總庫. 紅色文獻數據庫 China Revolution Literature Database》由中國國家圖書館出版社開發,收錄國家圖書館的館藏為主,廣泛網羅中外收藏涉及1949年前中國共產黨發展歷史的紅色書刊文獻,對於了解新中國成立有獨特價值。



四庫系列數據庫 (Trial)

News Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 15:14


*Please choose "典 海 Ancient Classics" to access to the platform and then choose "著錄書 存目書 奏毀書 未收書" under 四庫系列數據庫 to access the database. (For one concurrent user)

Expiry date: 25 February 2025

鼎秀古籍全文檢索平臺 (Trial)

News Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - 11:25

《鼎秀古籍全文檢索平臺》是收藏全球各古籍文獻收藏單位和個人文獻收藏者的古籍文獻資源的大型古籍數據庫, 廣泛收錄中國大陸及港澳臺地區公共機構、私人藏家、研究機構及博物館所藏曆代古籍資源,特色古籍採錄海外所藏中國古籍,尤以日本、韓國數量最多。收錄從先秦至民國撰寫並經寫抄、刻印、排印、影印的歷朝歷代漢文古籍, 版本包含稿抄本、刻本、石印本、鉛印本、活字本等, 收錄古籍文獻共兩萬多種、四十萬卷。

Expiry date: 31 March 2025

文心閣古籍數據庫 - 四庫全書 (Trial)

News Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - 11:23

《四庫全書》是中國歷史上規模最大的一套叢書。清乾隆三十八年(1773年)開始編纂,歷時9年成書。整套書收錄了從先秦到清乾隆前期的眾多古籍,涵蓋了古代中國幾乎所有學術領域,以及收入和存目了西洋傳教士參與撰述的著作,包括從西洋傳入中國的數學、天文、儀器及機械等方面的著作。《四庫》即《四部》之意,即將所收書籍分為經、史、子、集四大部,於部下分類,類下再分子目。總計四庫全書共分為四部四十四類六十六子目,其分類情形大致如下: 經部:易、書、詩、禮、春秋、孝經、五經、四書、樂、小學。 史部:正史、編年、紀事本末、別史、雜史、詔令奏議、傳記、史鈔、載記、時令、地理、職官、政書、目錄、史評。 子部:儒家、兵家、法家、農家、醫家、天文算法、術數、藝術、譜錄、雜家、類書、小說、釋家、道家。 集部:楚辭、別集、總集、詩文評、詞曲。

Expiry date: 31 March 2025

Thematic Highlights: Ignite Your Creative Spark: Strategies for Boundless Imagination

Event Friday, January 10, 2025 - 08:30

Thematic Highlights: Ignite Your Creative Spark: Strategies for Boundless Imagination

Creative thinking is an exciting journey that promotes bold ideas and innovative problem-solving. It combines logic with inspiration, enabling concepts to be turned into impactful creations. Join us as we explore the Library resources designed to unlock your imagination!

Don't miss the exciting experience at our Physical Book Exhibition, located on the Library Podium Floor, until 9 March 2025. Come check out the titles for your next great read!

And that ’s not all! Discover a wealth of thrilling digital resources from our Library Databases, Virtual Thematic Collection and Open Educational Resources. You can access them anytime, anywhere, right at your fingertips!


Featured Library Databases

Business Business Source Complete provides a comprehensive collection of scholarly journals, trade publications, and insightful reports across various business fields. This database is ideal for those interested in design thinking as a strategic approach to problem-solving and business strategy development.

IEEE IEEE Xplore provides research articles, and case studies on how design and creative thinking are transforming engineering practices, fostering creativity, and driving advancements in science and technology.

Design & Applied Arts Index Design and Applied Arts Index is a specialized database that provides access to scholarly articles, journals, and publications focused on design, crafts, applied arts, and related creative disciplines. It also offers articles on how design thinking shapes artistic practices, design methodologies, and the evolution of creative industries globally.


Featured eBooks

More from Virtual Thematic Collection.


Featured Open Educational Resources

More from PolyU Open Educational Resources (OER) Portal.

Regardless of your academic field, this thematic collection can enlighten design thinking in your work. Let’s explore and embrace the realm of creative thinking.

From Nature to Innovation: Exploring Scientific Discoveries in Ancient China 天工開物 觸手可及-探索中國古代科學技術

Event Monday, January 6, 2025 - 08:30

Book Exhibition:

From Nature to Innovation: Exploring Scientific Discoveries in Ancient China
天工開物 觸手可及-探索中國古代科學技術

Venue: The Forum, 6/F South Wing, Library
Time: Until 30 June 2025

Tiangong Kaiwu (Exploitation of the Works of Nature), authored by Song Yingxing (1587 – c.1666) during the Ming Dynasty, is a comprehensive work on agriculture and technology which manifests the innovative brilliance of ancient China. The term ‘Tiangong Kaiwu’ conveys the idea of humanity harnessing the nature to develop new things.

In fact, ancient Chinese scientists developed new technologies in various disciplines, playing a significant role in the civilization advancement not only in China but also in the entire world.

This book exhibition showcases Chinese and English titles on the history of ancient Chinese scientific discoveries, along with Tiangong Kaiwu. We hope you’ll find inspiration from the wisdom of our ancestors and carry on their legacy to create a brighter future.








Introducing AI OneSearch Lite

News Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - 09:20

Try out the AI OneSearch Lite which revolutionizes knowledge exploration with seamless discovery experiences in the AI era! This tool allows you to ask questions similar to how you interact with chatbots like ChatGPT, except that the answers are based on traceable sources from our Library, ensuring your academic work is grounded on trustworthy information.

By integrating this cutting-edge tool, our Library is committed to empowering users to leverage the latest technologies in their research and learning processes.

The key features include:

  1. Quick answers from credible sources:
    The tool utilizes extensive scholarly resources to pinpoint the 5 most relevant sources and access their metadata/abstracts to generate the answer. You can easily verify the sources from OneSearch.
  2. AI-enhanced search query: What if 5 sources aren’t sufficient? Click the “View More Results” button to locate additional items in OneSearch. You will be surprised to see how AI reinterprets your question and generates a search query with keywords you might have never thought of.
  3. New directions for research: Check out the “Related research questions” to uncover new topics that might broaden your perspective or deepen your analysis.
  4. Multilingual support: Ask questions in your native language, such as Chinese. The tool comes with translation capabilities to search for materials in both English and the input language, and generate answers in that same language too.
  5. Research history: Review your previous questions and answers to ensure you won’t lose track in your research journey.

For further details, please refer to our library guide on AI OneSearch Lite. You can discover how this tool works, understand its limitations, and find tips for using Gen AI.

Got questions about the general services of the Library? Also try out LiBot, an AI-powered chatbot, to get instant answers on our services, facilities and support. Available 24x7, LiBot responds promptly with references to the Library website, guides and FAQs.


Thematic Highlights | Harnessing Emerging Technologies to Unleash Creativity: Maker Technologies, Metaverse, IoT, and More

Event Monday, October 28, 2024 - 16:06


Join us as we explore how to leverage emerging technologies to enhance creativity in today’s dynamic landscape. We’ll delve into maker technologies that empower hands-on innovation, the metaverse that offers immersive experiences, and the Internet of Things (IoT) that provides valuable data insights and smarter decision-making.

Check out our Physical Book Exhibition on the Library Podium Floor, which runs until 5 January 2025. Additionally, explore the latest digital resources from the Virtual Thematic Collection and Open Educational Resources anytime, anywhere.




The feature resources cover:

Maker Technologies

Maker Technologies: Find out the latest tools and techniques that empower individuals to innovate through hands-on projects, including 3D printing and DIY methodologies.


Metaverse, VR, AR, and Applications: Understand how these advancements impact various industries, offering insights into enhancing user experiences, decision-making, and innovative applications.


Internet of Things (IoT): Discover practical insights into building IoT solutions and applying these technologies across sectors like smart buildings.

Software for Creative Design

Software for Creative Design: Master design tools and software like Unity, Blender, Maya, and Adobe products to create graphics, animations, 3D elements, and more.

Book covers

Last but not least, come explore the services and facilities available in our i-Space and MakerMindset Programme where you can experience the technologies firsthand.

Whether you're a beginner or an expert, there's something here to inspire your work. Let’s check them out!
