《申報》電子版收錄了上海《申報》自1872年創刊以來至1949年终刊止所有版面,包括漢口、香港版《申報》的所有内容,及廣告、啓事、圖片等非正文内容 。
Expiry date: 3 March 2021
《申報》電子版收錄了上海《申報》自1872年創刊以來至1949年终刊止所有版面,包括漢口、香港版《申報》的所有内容,及廣告、啓事、圖片等非正文内容 。
Expiry date: 3 March 2021
Date | LIB Hour | |
11 Feb 2021 (Thu) | Lunar New Year's Eve | 8:30am - 7pm |
12-15 Feb 2021 (Fri-Mon) | Lunar New Year Holidays | Closed |
Temporary overnight study space in Block CD will be available for PolyU students and staff from 6:45pm on 11 Feb to 8:30am on 16 Feb 2021. For details, please click here.
Before your visit to the Library, please refer to the Library Homepage for the latest service updates and opening hours.
Last Call: The final deadline for submitting your essays is now extended to 28 February 2021. We look forward to your participation in this event.
How did a science fiction story change your life?
Were you moved by reading one of the stories from Ted Chiang’s Exhalation... a short sci fi story by another author... or a full-length science fiction novel?
Tell us how reading a particular science fiction story changed your life… or your thinking. Share your lessons, truths, and musings in a way your readers can relate to!
Length: 500 words (+/- 50 words)
Format: Reflective essay in MS Word
Eligibility: All PolyU students
Deadline: 28 February 2021
In your reflection, include the title of the story (e.g. “The Life Cycle of Objects”) or the novel (e.g. Exhalation) you are writing about, as well as the name of the author (e.g. Ted Chiang).
Email your submissions to library.read.program@polyu.edu.hk.
If you have already submitted and wish to enhance your submission, we would be happy to accept a revised version from you before the new deadline. Otherwise, we will keep your current submission.
Winners will have the chance to publish in Inscribe: The Journal of Undergraduate Student Writing.
To learn more about READ@PolyU, visit the website.
As we step into the new semester, here are some Library online courses for all undergraduate students to explore.
Accessible directly from Learn@PolyU after registration, you can learn and master the skills of using library resources and services for your academic journey based on your schedule.
For further learning support, email us at lbinf@polyu.edu.hk, get in touch with your Faculty Librarian, or contact us. Stay connected through our Library social media channels (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Pao Yue-kong Library
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Series of scientific experiments and video demonstrations from laboratories around the globe published by Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). It covers a range of STEM subjects.
Expiry date: 1 Mar 2021
Bates’ Visual Guide delivers head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques for the (Advanced) Assessment or Introduction to Clinical Medicine course.
Expiry date: 24 Feb 2021
Explore the Library Guide on Library Support during COVID-19 and you will find the latest Library information on operational arrangements, digital resources, learning support and teaching support available for students and staff, as well as the safety measures to mitigate the risk of spreading coronavirus in the Library.
This database is a collection of India Office Records from the British Library. The content includes royal charters, correspondence, trading diaries, minutes of council meetings and reports of expedition, etc. which charts the history of British trade and rule in the Indian subcontinent and beyond from 1599 to 1947.
Expiry date: 14 Feb 2021
An archival newspaper database that covers 175 years of news in English from The South China Morning Post [1903-2019] and China Mail [1845-1974].
Expiry date: 12 Feb 2021