News & Events

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Publish Open Access Articles in Cambridge University Press Journals

News Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 16:49

Plan to submit your next paper to a journal by Cambridge University Press (CUP)? Or are you looking to publish your next article in Open Access?

Now you can publish your work in CUP journals in Open Access without paying for the Article Processing Charge (APC)!


The Library has signed a Read & Publish agreement with CUP, under which PolyU researchers can publish in their journals with APC fully waived during the period 2021-2023. Join this briefing session to learn how to submit your work to a CUP journal and get the APC waived.

The following topics will be included:

  • Open Access in PolyU and Open Access Publishing
  • Open Access Publishing with CUP: Author publishing workflow
  • How to find a journal which matches your manuscript
  • How to transact your APC waiver
  • Other support after the paper is published

Date : 3 Mar 2021 (Wed)
Time : 3:00 - 4:00pm
Venue : Zoom
Ms Caz Kerbyson (Training and Systems Support Manager, Cambridge University Press)
Ms Aster Zhao (Research Support Librarian, PolyU Library)

Register Now!
Registration will close on the day before the scheduled webinar.

About the Speaker:

Caz Kerbyson is the Training and Systems Support Manager at Cambridge University Press. She is responsible for ensuring the authors and customers of Cambridge feel confident when publishing their work in CUP journals.

Aster Zhao is a Research Support Librarian from PolyU Library. She also serves as the Faculty Librarian for Construction & Environment faculty and currently the interim Faculty Librarian for Engineering faculty. Her main responsibility includes providing research and publishing support services and user education to the university community.

China and the Modern World : Hong Kong Britain and China, 1841-1951 (Trial)

News Tuesday, February 23, 2021 - 13:10

A collection of British government documents on colonial Hong Kong digitized from the British Colonial Office.

Expiry date = 31 March 2021

iG Library (Trial)

News Tuesday, February 16, 2021 - 14:33

Ebooks from various publishers on iG Publishing platform.

Notes : Trial includes sample ebooks from the following publishers only :

              Business Expert Press
              Kogan Page
              Packt Publishing
              Princeton University Press

Expiry date: 31 Mar 2021

Reopening of Group Rooms Effective 16 Feb 2021

Notice Wednesday, February 10, 2021 - 08:58

All group rooms will be reopened on 16 Feb 2021. Eligible users may reserve the facility via iBooking system one day in advance. As a precautionary measure, the capacity of each group room will be capped at 4 users.

To protect oneself and others, all Library users are reminded to

  • Wear a mask properly at all times;
  • Observe the Library Food & Drink Policy. Put the mask back on as soon as possible after drinking. Do not consume any drinks when walking. 
  • Keep a safe social distance with others and not to move the tables and chairs away from their original places.

Before your visit to the Library, please check the Library Homepage for the latest service updates and opening hours.

Clarity English - Road to IELTS (5 concurrent users) (Trial)

News Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - 08:42

Road to IELTS helps learners of English with Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. The program helps IELTS candidates with every aspect of test preparation from understanding the tasks in the Reading paper, to dealing with nerves in the Speaking test — skills which are useful for all Intermediate-level learners of English.

READ@PolyU Workshop: Strategies for Expanding Your English Vocabulary

News Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - 08:38

Writing Contest 2020

“While without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” – D. Wilkins, Linguistics in Language Teaching

Vocabulary is fundamental to reading and writing fluency, but how do we expand our vocabulary? In this online workshop, Dr. Phoebe Lin will share some research-based facts, figures, and tips about vocabulary learning, as well as Library and online resources, so that we can be smarter at managing our own vocabulary-building activities.

It will cover:

How many words do we need to know to function properly in English?
Tools for measuring our vocabulary size
How to find the right books to read and videos/movies to watch
Excellent apps & Library resources for self-directed vocabulary learning

Target participants: All PolyU students and staff

Date: 3 March 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Speaker:Dr Phoebe Lin
Online Talk via Zoom

Enroll Now!

About the Speaker:

Dr. Phoebe Lin is Assistant Professor at the Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research investigates aspects of vocabulary learning using a range of methods, including controlled experiments, text analysis, and statistical modelling. Phoebe is developing intelligent apps that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of vocabulary building. Her latest project is IdiomsTube (, which guides users to learn English vocabulary through YouTube videos. The app is openly and freely available online.

The event is co-organized by the Pao Yue-kong Library, Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE) and Department of English, PolyU.

China and the Modern World : Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals 1817-1949 (Trial)

News Monday, February 8, 2021 - 16:06

A collection of 17 English-language periodicals published in or about China from1817 until the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.

Expiry date: 15 March 2021

[Deadline Extended] Recommend Useful Online Learning Resources and Get a $100 Book Coupon!

News Monday, February 8, 2021 - 14:45

In a bid to facilitate broader adoption and adaptation of open educational materials, the Library has commenced  Open Educational Resource, Recommendation, & Reflection Survey 2021 to collect PolyU-subjects relevant online learning resources.

Have you used or even developed useful learning resources in the past semester that helped you master new topics? Please take a few minutes to share your testimonials on using these resources with the PolyU community and get a chance to receive a HKD$100 book coupon! Don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your resources via PolyU OER Portal

Period of the survey: 8 February - 5 March 2021

  Start the Survey  (for PolyU students and staff only)

Limited quota. Act now!

We look forward to your response. For any enquiries, please email to

Net Languages (Trial)

News Friday, February 5, 2021 - 08:23

A wide variety of written and spoken texts and focus on features like style and discourse, rather than just focusing on sentences in isolation. You learn language associated with each topic and have the opportunity to use what you learn in a meaningful and natural way.

  • English for Work
  • IELTS Writing Practice
  • IELTS Speaking Practice

Expiry date: 14 Feb 2021

申報 (青蘋果數據中心) (Trial)

News Thursday, February 4, 2021 - 15:07

《申報》電子版收錄了上海《申報》自1872年創刊以來至1949年终刊止所有版面,包括漢口、香港版《申報》的所有内容,及廣告、啓事、圖片等非正文内容 。

Expiry date: 3 March 2021
