News & Events

[Seminar on Green Deck Project] From Grey to Green: PolyU Spearheads for a Better Environment Around Campus

Event Friday, January 4, 2019 - 15:32

Date: 22 January 2019 (Tue), 12:30pm - 2:00pm
Venue: Digital Visualisation Room, i-Space, 4/F, Pao Yue-kong Library
Speaker: Mr Alex Lui Chun-wan (Project Director of Green Deck) 

About the Green Deck Project
Neighbouring the heavily-loaded Cross Harbour Tunnel, PolyU has long witnessed problems in the vicinity – poor air quality, overloaded footbridge, poor connectivity within the district and lack of open space. The University has thus proposed the construction of a Green Deck over the Cross Harbor Tunnel plaza to tackle these problems. Linking MTR Hung Hom Station podium, PolyU campus and nearby neighborhoods, the proposed 43,000 sqm. deck area can accommodate a wide variety of recreational, cultural and sports facilities while solving existing problems in the district. This proposal will not only provide people with a green open space to unwind from the hustle and bustle of city life, but also help foster sustainable development through a number of research projects undertaken by PolyU experts.

In the seminar,
Mr Alex Lui will present the design concepts and the latest developments of the Green Deck project, followed by an open discussion to solicit your views.

Register here to join the seminar.


About the Speaker

Mr Alex Lui Chun-wan is a renowned architect and city planner who had practised in the U.S., Singapore and Hong Kong. Mr Lui has been providing PolyU, his alma mater, with professional insights on education and campus development since 2010. He had been a member of the University Council, chairing its Campus Development Committee, and currently a member of the University Court, as well as chairman of the University’s Green Deck Task Force.

The seminar is co-organized by Alumni Affairs and Development Office, Campus Development Office, Communications and Public Affairs Office, Department of Computing and Pao Yue-kong Library.


(Final Notice) Call for Submissions: READ@PolyU – 2018 Writing Contest

News Friday, January 4, 2019 - 09:23

Write Your Version

Imagine you woke up one morning and found that you had transformed overnight into an animal (any animal of your choice). What would you do? What would happen next? Tell your story in 500 words.

deadline extended Eligibility: Full-time Year 1 PolyU Undergraduate Students
Language: English
Format: 500 words in MS Word
Deadline: 11 January 2019 (11:59 pm)


Champion – Apple Watch Series 4
1st Runner Up – Moleskine Smart Writing Set “Ellipse”
2nd Runner Up – Apple AirPods Wireless Headphones
Honourable Mentions – $500 Eslite Bookshop Coupons

Visit the website for more details.
Inspired by the 2018 common book, Fifteen Dogs

Partial Closure of Library Area for Building Works (22 Dec 2018 – 6 Jan 2019)

Notice Friday, December 21, 2018 - 15:51

For enhancing the study environment, building works will be carried out in Library according to the schedule below:

Location Work Description Work Period Arrangement
L501 & L401 Defect rectification

22 Dec 2018 – 6 Jan 2019

  • L501 and L401 will be partially closed
  • Book fetching service in L401 for Call No. HF41.E27 V.11 - HF1413.P586 2009 & HF5549.5.E5T64 2000 - HF5691.F72 2014 will be affected
  • Users are advised to approach Loan and Return counter for assistance
  • Noise will be generated
G/F car park exit Car park exit revamp 25 Dec 2018 – 6 Jan 2019
  • Noise and dust will be generated
G/F Corridor
(outside L004 and L010)
Flooring rectification 25 Dec 2018 – 27 Dec 2018
  • Corridor will be partially closed
  • Smell and dust will be generated

Library will try shortening the noisy work duration and minimize the disturbance. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your forbearance.

Temporary Closure of 24-hour Study Centre and Quiet Study Zone (8:30am-4:00pm on 28 Dec)

Notice Friday, December 21, 2018 - 10:31

24-hour Study Centre (Room L001) and Quiet Study Zone (Room L003) will be temporarily closed for carpet cleaning from 8:30am-4:00pm on 28 Dec 2018 (Fri). Please use other areas of the Library. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Deadline Extended: READ@PolyU 2018 Writing Contest

News Friday, December 21, 2018 - 09:11

Write Your Version

Imagine you woke up one morning and found that you had transformed overnight into an animal (any animal of your choice). What would you do? What would happen next? Tell your story in 500 words.

deadline extended Eligibility: Full-time Year 1 PolyU Undergraduate Students
Language: English
Format: 500 words in MS Word
Deadline: 4 January 2019 (11:59 pm)


Champion – Apple Watch Series 4
1st Runner Up – Moleskine Smart Writing Set “Ellipse”
2nd Runner Up – Apple AirPods Wireless Headphones
Honourable Mentions – $500 Eslite Bookshop Coupons

Visit the website for more details.
Inspired by the 2018 common book, Fifteen Dogs

EndNote X9 is now avaliable!

News Tuesday, December 18, 2018 - 09:40

EndNote X9 is now available for PolyU users!

Download now!

What's New?

Enhanced Reference-Sharing Capabilities

  • Share your library with read-write or read-only access right
  • Share a specific group of your references with other EndNote Web users
  • View groups shared by other EndNote Web users

New Reference Types

Four new reference types for citing social and other electronic media: Discussion Forum, Multimedia Application, Social Media, and Television Episode.

Manuscript Matcher

Help find the best fit journals for publishing based on:

  • the title and abstract of your manuscript, and
  • the references in your EndNote library or a Word document.

How can I upgrade to EndNote X9?

Simply download EndNote X9 from our webpage without uninstalling the old version. You will be able to access the references in your existing EndNote libraries. This will not affect the in-text citations you added in your Word document either.

What is EndNote?

EndNote is a powerful reference management tool to help you collect, organize and share your references, thus improving your efficiency in academic paper writing. Explore how EndNote can help you from our webpage or contact any of our helpful librarians.

We Have Upgraded Anatomy.TV

News Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 16:48

The Library has recently upgraded an essential interactive teaching/learning tool of anatomy via the Anatomy.TV.

The upgraded version is delivered on HTML5, which results in a faster, more contemporary, and intuitive platform. More importantly, the platform runs on all modern browsers and devices (OS and Android-driven devices included) and is free from the clunky Flash plug-ins. This means that more users can access the rich interactive contents more conveniently, anywhere, anytime.

We have access to 3 products via Anatomy.TV, namely

Contact your Faculty Librarian if you need assistance using the resources.
