For Reserve Books and AV materials, please continue to use the designated Self-checkout stations in the respective areas to borrow the items.
This short video clip shows how easy it is to check out books.

Date: 2 July – 28 August 2020
Venue: Podium Floor of the Library
Get a head start on job hunting, build a solid foundation for job interview success, and explore opportunities in further education and continuing studies!
Please borrow the books through the RFID Self-check station or at the Loan & Return Counter (P/F). You may click here to access to the related e-books.
The Library will be closed on Wednesday, 1 July 2020 (HKSAR Establishment Day). Details of Library opening hours are available on the Library homepage.
The Library will be closed on Thursday, 25 Jun 2020 (Tuen Ng Festival). Details of Library opening hours are available on the Library homepage.
In light of the latest COVID-19 situation in Hong Kong, Graduate and Special Borrower Library Card holders may access the Library from 15 June 2020.
To access the campus, card holders will have to present their Library Cards and provide required information at the following campus entrances:
Please note that all users must be wearing a mask to be allowed entry into the campus and the Library. When in the Library users must also be wearing a mask at all times.
Extension of Validity for Library Cards
If you would like to continue using the Library services, the Library will extend the validity of Library Cards based on the number of days the Library was physically inaccessible to Graduate and Special Borrower Library Card Holders up to 14 June 2020. Please take note of the recent Notice on user of Library Computing facilities.
Return of Borrowed Items
To allow more PolyU students to access Library collection, we encourage borrowed items to be returned at your convenience via the Library’s 24-hour Book Drop located outside the campus turnstiles on Podium Level (near public footbridge towards Exit A Hung Hom MTR Station). No fines will be incurred for items returned before 30 June 2020.
Renewal and new application for Graduate Library Card has resumed on 2 July 2020. Applications can be submitted using this online form.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via the following channels:
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Effective 10 June 2020, public PCs located in Multimedia Commons (3/F North Wing) and i-Space (4/F North Wing) have been designated for use and login by PolyU/CPCE students and staff only to support their studies and research. PolyU/CPCE students and staff can book these computers one day in advance using the Library iBooking system.
Other Library card holders can access the rest of the PCs (excluding PCs located in 3/F Multimedia Commons and 4/F i-Space), guest PCs, printers, photocopiers and scanning services available on all floors of the Library on a walk-in basis.