News & Events

Scheduled Library Server Maintenance (13 Apr 2025)

Notice Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 08:30

Please be informed that the Library will perform scheduled server maintenance from 9:00 am – 9:30 am on 13 Apr 2025 (Sun). During the period, some Library's online applications may be temporarily unavailable.

We are sorry for any inconvenience that may cause to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thematic Highlights | A Mindful Journey: Embracing Happiness in the Changing World

News Monday, March 10, 2025 - 08:30

As the world around us rapidly changes, is it still possible to find mental balance and joy while navigating challenges and seizing opportunities to create the life you desire?

In our latest thematic highlight, we have gathered a collection of the latest library resources to support you on this journey.


Explore Our Physical Book Exhibition (P/F, Library)

Visit the Display Wall on P/F with a book exhibition featuring book titles on self-actualization, mindfulness practice, emotional awareness, social connections, and stress management. Each title is thoughtfully chosen to enhance your journey toward happiness. Available until 11 May 2025—don’t miss out!

Dive into Virtual Thematic Collection

Discover the vast array of e-books and multimedia resources focused on nurturing the mind, body, and spirit. Enjoy the convenience of accessing digital resources anytime, anywhere that complements your exploratory journey.

Try out our Feature Music Database

The Naxos Music Library offers a soothing collection of sounds and melodies. From calming classical pieces to uplifting world music, the listening experience enhances your mindfulness practice, helping you relax and find inner peace.

Discover from Open Educational Resources

Take advantage of freely available resources on our PolyU Open Educational Resources (OER) Portal. Discover online courses, videos, and materials designed to empower you on your journey toward holistic well-being.

Recharge at the Well-Being Corner (G/F, Library)

Need a break while studying? Visit the Well-Being Corner, a space designed to recharge your body and mind. Access various equipment such as exercise bike desks, fitness balls and the well-being book display to support a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

[Publishing Seminars] Open Access Options and Transformative Agreements Explained

News Monday, February 24, 2025 - 08:30

Open Access (OA) refers to the free online availability of scientific and scholarly knowledge. While authors often pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) to make their publications accessible in paywalled journals, there are alternative options available.

In recent years, the PolyU Library has established Transformative Agreements (TAs) with various publishers. These agreements offer full or partial waivers of APCs. To enhance PolyU members’ understanding of OA and TAs, this workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to Open Access
  • Exploration of Open Access options
  • Explanation of Transformative Agreements
  • Application process for APC waivers, using the American Chemical Society (ACS) as a case study

Register Now!

Date: 12 Mar 2025 (Wed)
Time: 10.30 am – 11.20 am
Speaker: Ms Jane Yun, Asia Pacific Sales Operation Manager, ACS Publications
Moderator: Dr Wendy Wong, Section Head (Scholarly Communication) of the Library
Platform: Zoom 

For enquiries, please contact us at our various service points here. For learning and research support, get in touch with your Faculty Librarian.

Pao Yue-kong Library
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

SLACK Journals (Trial)

News Friday, February 21, 2025 - 13:13

SLACK journals provide medical contents in areas such as Nursing, Ophthalmology, and General Medicine.

Expiry date: 20 May 2025

MLA Handbook Plus (Trial)

News Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 10:41

The MLA Handbook Plus includes access to the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook, the MLA Guide to Digital Literacy, the MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature, and video courses that teach key principles of MLA style.

Expiry date: 18 March 2025

READ@PolyU Challenge – Design Your AI Companion!

Notice Monday, February 17, 2025 - 08:30

Dear PolyU Readers,

We are excited to announce a special contest as part of our READ@PolyU reading programme, centred around our common book 2024/25, Klara and the Sun. We invite you to explore the themes of artificial intelligence and companionship that lie at the heart of the novel.

In Klara and the Sun, we follow an artificial friend, Klara, who navigates the complexities of human emotions and relationships. This contest encourages you to reflect on your own ideas about AI and friendship. If you had the chance, what kind of AI friend would you create, and how would it change your life?

How to Participate:

  1. Design Your AI Friend: Write a 50-word description of your AI friend's unique qualities and role in your life.
  2. Visualize Your AI Friend: Study image prompting and use GenAI tools to visualize the image of your ideal AI companion. Let your imagination run wild!
  3. Eligibility: This challenge is open to all PolyU students. Each participant should submit one entry only.


  1. Share on Social Media: Post the AI friend’s image and its description on your Facebook or Instagram with the title "READ@PolyU Challenge: Design Your AI Companion" and hashtags: #polyureads and #PolyULibrary.
  2. Email Your Submission: Send a screenshot of your post, the image, the full 50-word description of your AI friend, the final prompt and AI tool that you have used to with your name and student ID.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Period: From today until 14 March 2025.


Submissions will be evaluated based on creativity, originality, and thoughtfulness.

All winners receive an award certificate and the opportunity to be featured on our social media platforms, along with book coupons:

  • Gold Award (x1): $500 book coupon
  • Silver Award (x2): $200 book coupon
  • Bronze Award (x5): $100 book coupon

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to showcase your creativity for a chance to win amazing prizes!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

PolyU Library Receives Book Donation of “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China”

News Friday, February 14, 2025 - 09:21

The PolyU Library has received a generous donation of “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China” from Mr Yu Fuwen of Beijing Chongxue Cultural Development Company Ltd. This comprehensive set of books is available in nine languages, including Chinese, English, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, German, and Japanese. Through this donation, PolyU students and staff will have the opportunity to better understand the governance and development in China.

In appreciation for Mr Yu’s generous support, a book donation ceremony was held in the Library on 13 February 2025. The event highlighted the importance of such contribution in enriching the Library collection.


香港理工大學圖書館獲北京崇學文化發展有限公司余富文先生慷慨捐贈《習近平談治國理政》系列書籍, 並於2025年2月13日舉行了接收贈書儀式。這次捐贈的書籍涵蓋九種語文版本,理大師生將有機會更好地了解中國的治國理念和發展道路。

MedOne Education (Trial)

News Monday, February 3, 2025 - 13:22

MedOne Education is a medical learning platform for learning, review and research in the fields of medicine and life sciences. It offers not only review titles but also full-color illustrated medical textbooks that cover topics such as anatomy, basic sciences, clinical sciences, dentistry, osteopathy/physical therapy, radiology, and USMLE® test prep. Additionally, it includes downloadable images and video content.

Expiry date: 31 March 2025

SPIE Digital Library (Trial)

News Monday, February 3, 2025 - 10:13

The SPIE Digital Library contains the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics applied research. Users can access to 517,000+ proceedings papers from SPIE conferences, 52,000+ presentation recording videos of research presented at SPIE conferences and 41,000+ journal papers from 15 SPIE journals.

Expiry date: 3 March 2025

New Databases: 《民國圖書數據庫》及《紅色文獻數據庫》

News Friday, January 24, 2025 - 08:25

Our Library has subscribed to new Chinese databases, including 民國圖書數據庫 (Early Twentieth Century Books in China) and 紅色文獻數據庫 (China Revolution Literature Database), which provide comprehensive resources on modern Chinese history from 1911 to 1949. For more details, please refer to the Chinese description below.


一、《中國歷史文獻總庫. 民國圖書數據庫 Early Twentieth Century Books in China, 1911-1949》收錄超過二十萬種由民國期間出版的中文及外文圖書,用戶即使足不出外也能隨時隨地翻閱當代知識分子所撰寫的各類著述,可謂包羅萬象。



二、《中國歷史文獻總庫. 紅色文獻數據庫 China Revolution Literature Database》由中國國家圖書館出版社開發,收錄國家圖書館的館藏為主,廣泛網羅中外收藏涉及1949年前中國共產黨發展歷史的紅色書刊文獻,對於了解新中國成立有獨特價值。


