News & Events

Arrangements for Graduate and Special Borrower Library Card Holders

Notice Monday, March 2, 2020 - 08:30

In view of the latest development of the coronavirus where Library Study and Collection spaces are closed, Graduate and Special Borrower Library Card holders will have no access to the Library until further notice.

Extension of Library Card Valid Dates

For the inaccessible period of 11 Nov 2019 – 2 Feb 2020, the validity of Graduate and Special Borrower Library Cards have already been extended for 90 days from their original expiry dates on or after 11 Nov 2019. As soon as we are able to determine when the access for Graduate and Special Borrower Library Card holders can be resumed, the Library will consider further extension on the validity of library cards.

Return of Borrowed Items

All borrowed items can be returned within 1 week after the Graduate and Special Borrower Library Card holders are able to access the Library again. No fines will be incurred for items borrowed whose original due dates fall within the period of no access to the Library. Please ignore the overdue notices automatically generated during this period.

Users can also choose to return their items via the Library’s 24-hour Book Drop located outside the campus turnstiles on Podium Level (near public footbridge towards Exit A Hung Hom MTR Station).


Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via the following channels:

Pao Yue-kong Library
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Library Study and Collection Spaces CLOSED until further notice & Physical Retrieval Service for PolyU Staff & Students

Notice Sunday, February 23, 2020 - 13:32

In view of the latest development regarding the novel coronavirus, the Library Study Spaces and Collection Spaces and the 24-Hour Study Centre will remain CLOSED until further notice. 

Physical Resources Retrieval Service for PolyU Staff & Students

During closure of Library Spaces, PolyU Staff and Students who require access to print books and physical AV resources of the Library can request for their retrieval using the Physical Resources Retrieval Service. The requester will be notified by email when the retrieved items are ready for self-pick-up and self-checkout at the Reserve Collection Area on P/F at 9:00am – 7:00pm (Monday – Friday).

Return of Library Items and Waiving of Fines

To continue facilitating teaching and learning, users can return their borrowed items on or before the specified due date as far as possible. Due date of your borrowed item(s) can be checked via login to myRecord using your PolyU NetID.

During 9:00am – 7:00pm (Monday – Friday), please return Library items to the book drop situated below the Loan & Return Counter, or via the 24-hour book drop outside Library when Library is closed.

Users can also choose to return their items at a later date. Items returned within one week after face-to-face classes resume on campus will have their overdue fines waived. This applies to library materials with due dates previously extended up to 20 Jan 2020, or due on or after 29 Jan 2020. Please ignore the overdue notices automatically generated during this period

Support for Online Learning and Teaching 

The Library offers a wide variety of electronic resources and services to support online learning and teaching.  Please refer to the guides below for a quick summary. 

eBook Recommendation for Print Titles

To ensure that Staff & Students continue to have access to our collection, during this period, the Library will acquire for institutional access, an e-version of a book, where available,  even when a print copy is available in the Library. Staff and Students can submit their recommendations here for acquisitions of specific book titles.  

Self-paced Library Online Courses on Learn@PolyU

Two online courses has been launched on so that Students and Staff can learn about Library Resources and tools in their own pace:

Virtual Research Consultation

Research Consultations with Faculty Librarians will continue during the period of online learning/teaching.  Consultations can be done over the phone or even via Skype. Staff and Students can make an appointment with your Faculty Librarian using the Research Consultation Appointment Form.


Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via the following channels:  

[Library Online Course] Using EndNote (Part I: Essential Features)

News Tuesday, February 18, 2020 - 09:07

The Library has launched a new online course for using EndNote, a reference management tool to help you cite and manage references in your assignment or research papers. Join the course to learn the key features about EndNote, including how to insert references from different sources and how to cite references in Word document.

Register Now
The course will appear in your Learn@PolyU My Courses within two working days after registration.

This online course consists of 5 modules and each takes about 20 mins to complete. You will receive an e-certificate upon completion of the course.

  • Module 1 - Introduction
  • Module 2 - Get started with EndNote
  • Module 3 - Add references to EndNote
  • Module 4 - Insert and edit citations in MS Word
  • Module 5 - Save your reference library

Click HERE to enroll the course now and the course will appear in your Learn@PolyU My Courses within two working days after registering with us.

For further learning support, email us at, contact your Faculty Librarian, or call us at 2766-6863 (9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays) during this period.

Physical Resources Retrieval Service

News Monday, February 17, 2020 - 20:19

In view of the latest development of the coronavirus epidemic where Library Study and Collection Spaces are closed, PolyU/CPCE staff and students can request online for retrieval of print books and physical AV resources of the Library.

Eligibility: PolyU/CPCE Students and Staff

Effective Date: From 21 July 2020 to 1 Sep 2020

Service Coverage:
Retrieval service provided for loanable books and AV materials from the following Collections only:

  • Book Collection
  • Book Collection (Large)
  • i-Space Book Display
  • Audio Visual Collection (Items on 7-day loan only)

Books of Reserve Collection and AV materials (3-day loan) are available first-come-first-served on shelves in the Reserve Collection area on Podium Floor. Users can borrow these materials using the self-checkout station in that area.

Books of PolyU Reads and new books on display are available first-come-first-served on the circular shelves of Current Awareness Centre on Podium Floor. Users can borrow these books using the self-checkout station near the Library exit gate.

Newspapers, magazines, journals, other in-house use materials, and items from remote store are NOT available for retrieval and checkout.

How to Submit Request: Request via OneSearch
Steps to submit request can be found here.

Processing Time: Pickup notices will be emailed to users' PolyU Connect/Staff Email accounts in 1-3 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays)

Pick-up Location: Self-pickup from the Hold Shelf in the Reserve Collection Area, Podium Floor of the Library

Pick-up Period: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm (Mon - Fri), closed on Sat/Sun/public holidays; Items retrieved will be kept for 7 days after the pick up notice is dispatched (The last pickup date is shown in the pickup notice).

How to Check-out: Use the designated self-checkout station in the Reserve Collection Area

How to Return: Return at the book drops of the Library. (1) Book Drop underneath the table of the Loan & Return Counter when the Library is open, or (2) Book Drop located outside the campus turnstiles on Podium Level (near public footbridge towards Exit A Hung Hom MTR Station) when the Library is open or closed.


Please always refer to the Library homepage for latest service hours and arrangements before your visit.



[Library Online Course] Library Resources and Services for Postgraduate Students

News Friday, February 14, 2020 - 16:17

This online course tailor-made for postgraduate students is aimed to equip you with essential skills and knowledge areas for your learning and research. The first two modules of the online course are out now!

Register Now
The course will appear in your Learn@PolyU My Courses within two working days after registration.

Module 1 – Using OneSearch

Learn how to find books and articles via OneSearch within and beyond the PolyU Library

Module 2 – Using Advanced Search

Understand how advance search would help in finding scholarly resources for your assignments and research topics

Modules 3 to 6 are expected to be released in March 2020.

Module 3 – Library Databases
Module 4 – Find Related Articles on Google Scholar & Databases
Module 5 – Citing References
Module 6 – Researcher Profiles

Click HERE to enroll the course now and the course will appear in your Learn@PolyU My Courses within two working days after registering with us.

For further learning support, email us at, contact your Faculty Librarian, or call us at 2766-6863 (9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays) during this period.

Nursing Reference Center Plus (Trial)

News Monday, February 10, 2020 - 13:41

NRC Plus provides the latest evidence-based clinical information for nursing practice, education, management, and research at the point of care. It covers access care plans, video demonstrations, etc.

Expiry date: 31 March 2020

Use Resource List to find your course readings - in one place!

Notice Friday, February 7, 2020 - 19:00

Want to find the books, readings and other materials prescribed by your instructor for each course?


Use Resource List on your Blackboard (Learn@PolyU) course page now!

​Resource List provides you with easy access to reading materials prescribed by your instructors for particular module right inside your Blackboard course page, including books, readings and other online resources.


This video shows the steps on how to access your course Resource List.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact your Faculty Librarian  or call us at  2766-6863  (9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays) during this period. 

Enrich Online Teaching with Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Notice Thursday, February 6, 2020 - 09:00

Have you included any up-to-date and relevant Open Educational Resources (OERs) in your online teaching to enrich students’ learning experience?


PolyU OER Portal ( features hundreds of quality and up-to-date discipline-specific teaching materials, activities, and learning exercises that are hand-picked by faculty librarians from internationally renowned and creditable sources. Resources on our portal are organized under eight PolyU disciplines (and GEC) for easy discovery. You can also explore OERs by subject disciplinecourse code, keywords, and resource types so that relevant resources could be located and embedded into Course Resource List (quick guide here) swiftly.


PolyU Open Educational Resources Portal is a service from the Pao Yue-kong Library to facilitate the PolyU community to discover, integrate and share quality open-licensed teaching and learning resources that reside in the public domain. You can also explore the Library's collection of OER portals around the world for further inspirations!


Embed OERs in your Resource List and let your students seamlessly connect to teaching materials directly from Learn@PolyU.

HSS2011 Human Anatomy is an example of a resource list where the Course Instructor embedded his own OERs into the Resource list.

Steps to add materials into Resource List can be found in this Guide.


For further assistance, contact your Faculty Librarian  or call us at  2766-6863  (9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays) during this period.

Use Resource List to improve quality of online teaching

Notice Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - 09:00

To facilitate online teaching and learning, instructors can make use of Library’s Resource List to seamlessly connect your students to lists of mandatory and supplementary teaching resources directly from Learn@PolyU.

  • Resource List is a platform that lets Instructors personally manage suggested readings and other resources, such as e-books and e-journals and Open Educational Resources (OERs) so as to better support online teaching and student’s learning. 
  • The Library’s OER portal pulls together open-licensed teaching and learning resources that reside in the public domain so that PolyU Instructors can discover and share them to supplement their teaching.


How to add supplementary materials and Open Educational Resources into your Resource List?


Instructors can easily add mandatory and additional teaching materials, including relevant Open Educational Resources (OERs) into the Resource List of their courses.   


HSS2011 Human Anatomy is an example of a resource list where the Course Instructor embedded his own OER into the Resource list.


Steps to add materials into Resource List can be found in this Guide.


For further assistance, contact your Faculty Librarian  or call us at  2766-6863  (9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays) during this period.
