News & Events

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Temporary Closure of 5/F and 4/F Entrance and Staircase for Rubber Flooring Modification Works (22 July 2019 – 29 July 2019)

Notice Monday, July 22, 2019 - 10:15

Staircase and entrance in 5/F and 4/F will be temporarily closed for rubber flooring modification works as follows:

Location Work Period Arrangement
Entrance at front staircase on 5/F and 4/F 22 July 2019 – 24 July 2019
  • The front staircase from 5/F to 3/F will be closed
  • Male student toilet at 5/F front staircase will be closed
  • Female student toilet at 4/F front staircase will be closed
  • Drinking dispenser at 5/F and 4/F will be suspended
Entrance at back staircase on 5/F and 4/F 24 July 2019 – 29 July 2019
  • The back staircase from 5/F to 3/F will be closed
  • student toilet at 5/F back staircase will be closed
  • Male student toilet at 4/F back staircase will be closed

The schedule may be slightly adjusted according to the work progress.

Noise is unavoidable during the work period. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please approach the nearest counter if you need assistance.

Seminars: Open Science, Research Data and Open Educational Resources

News Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 22:40

The Library will host two seminars by Prof. Klaus Tochtermann, Director of the German National Library of Economics, on Open Science, Open Educational Resources (OER), and GeRDI - A Generic Research Data Infrastructure in Germany.

Seminar 1:
Open Science and the role of Open Educational Resources

This seminar will introduce what is Open Science, its latest development in Germany, as well as the role played by Open Educational Resources (OER) in Open Science.
Click to view full abstract

To Register Date: 25 July 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: Seminar Room, 3/F, Pao Yue-kong Library

Seminar 2:
GeRDI – A Generic Research Data Infrastructure

This seminar will explore what is digital scientific data, its role in scientific investigation, and the GeRDI, a research data management initiative funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Click to view full abstract

To Register Date: 26 July 2019 (Friday)
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: Seminar Room, 3/F, Pao Yue-kong Library

About the speaker:

Prof. Klaus Tochtermann is a professor in the Institute for Computer Science at Kiel University and the Director of the ZBW – German National Library of Economics – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, the world’s largest research infrastructure for economic literature, online as well as offline.

For inquiries, please email to

READ@PolyU X Cultural July: Meet renowned writers and get FREE Hong Kong Book Fair ticket

Event Monday, July 8, 2019 - 16:21

Good news to PolyU readers! A total of 40 Hong Kong Book Fair admission tickets will be offered to PolyU students upon attending a selected session in the International Writers Sharing Seminars held between 17-23 July at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). You will have a chance to meet with renowned sci-fi and mystery fiction writers, which opens you to a new world of literary appreciation. This event is supported by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

Follow the steps below to redeem your FREE Hong Kong Book Fair ticket.

  1. Register here. Seats are limited. First-come, first served.
  2. Upon successful registration, collect the ticket redemption letter at the Library by 12 July.
  3. Sign up one of the selected International Writers Sharing Seminars below.
  4. After attending the seminar, redeem the free book fair ticket with your student card and the original copy of ticket redemption letter.

Selected International Writers Sharing Seminars at HKCEC:

Steven Erikson
Topic: Anthropology in World-Building
Date: 18/7 (Thursday)
Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Venue: S222-223, HKCEC

Steven Erikson is the author of the ten-volume epic fantasy series, The Malazan Book of the Fallen, as well as other works of fantasy, science fiction and contemporary fiction. Prior to becoming a full-time writer, he worked as an archaeologist for eighteen years. He holds degrees in Anthropology, Fine Arts, and is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His latest publication is Rejoice, A Knife to the Heart, a First Contact SF novel. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Will Dean
Topic: Books are more powerful than movies
Date: 19/7 (Friday)
Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Venue: S222-223, HKCEC

Will Dean grew up in the East Midlands, living in nine different villages before the age of eighteen. After studying at the LSE and working in London, he settled in rural Sweden with his wife. He built a wooden house in a boggy forest clearing at the centre of a vast elk forest, and it’s from this base that he compulsively reads and writes. His bestselling debut thriller Dark Pines was chosen for ITV’s Zoe Ball Book Club and shortlisted for the Hearst Big Book Award Crime novel of the Year, The Guardian’s Not The Booker Prize, and the National Book Awards.

Emma Newman
Topic: Let me tell you a story. What it is really like to be an audiobook narrator
Date: 19/7 (Friday)
Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm
Venue: S222-223, HKCEC

Emma Newman writes short stories, novels and novellas in multiple speculative fiction genres. She won the British Fantasy Society Best Short Story Award 2015 for “A Woman’s Place” in the 221 Baker Streets anthology. 'Between Two Thorns', the first book in Emma's Split Worlds urban fantasy series, was shortlisted for the BFS Best Novel and Best Newcomer 2014 awards. Her science-fiction novel, After Atlas, was shortlisted for the 2017 Arthur C. Clarke award and the third novel in the Planetfall series, Before Mars, has been shortlisted for a BSFA Best Novel award. Emma is also a professional audiobook narrator and also co-wrote and hosted the Alfie and Hugo Award winning podcast 'Tea and Jeopardy'.

Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin
Topic: How to get 3 million children to fall asleep?
Date: 20/7 (Sat)
Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm
Venue: S222-223, HKCEC


Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin is the author of the bestselling bedtime story The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep, that started out as a self-published book and now is translated to 46 languages and sold over 3 million copies. The Rabbit book was the first self-published book ever to become a No. 1 Amazon bestseller, and in 5 different countries at the same. He recently released his latest children’s book, Brave Morris – A week upside down, that immediately went up as a No. 1 Bestseller in Japan. Carl-Johan’s passion for making the world a better place shows in the type of books he writes, always aiming to create innovative solutions for day to day problems. Carl-Johan has an educational background with a bachelor degree in psychology, studies within communication and personal development. In his books he mixes science with his experience within coaching, teaching at universities and management groups.

Natasha Pulley
Topic: Speculative Fiction with Natasha Pulley
Date: 17/7 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Venue: S222-223, HKCEC

Natasha Pulley is a British fantasy and historical fiction writer. She studied English at Oxford and Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia, before completing a teaching fellowship at Waseda University in Tokyo. Her debut novel, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street, was an international bestseller.

Bernard Werber
Topic: “Reality vs. Fantasy: How to develop imagination?”
Date: 21/7(Sun)
Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm
Venue: S222-223, HKCEC

With over 30 million books sold, Bernard Werber is one of France’s most widely read authors. His work is translated all over the world and challenges the frontiers of imagination by exploring all the mysteries of living creatures and afterlife with humour and poesy. Bernard Werber is a cult author in Russia and South Korea where he has been elected writer of the decade.

Selja Ahava
Topic: Hidden in Plain Sight:  The autobiographical in fiction
Date: 22/7 (Mon)
Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Venue: S222-223, HKCEC

Selja Ahava is an author and scriptwriter from Finland. Her debut novel, “The Day the Whale Swam through London” was awarded with the Laila Hirvisaari Prize in 2010. Her second book, “Things that Fall from the Sky” won the EU Prize for Literature in 2016 and was nominated for the Finlandia Prize. Its translation rights have been sold to 17 territories so far. Her autobiographical novel “Before my Husband Disappears” came out in 2017.Ahava is currently working on her fourth novel that explores metamorphoses, both in insect life and fictional characters.

Should you have further enquiries, please contact us by email at

「笹川杯品書知日本」 2019 徵文大獎賽書籍展覽

News Friday, June 28, 2019 - 16:57


Book Exhibition - Open a Book, Expand Your Mind 開卷有益

News Friday, June 28, 2019 - 10:03

The Book Exhibition will be held on P/F of the Library from 28 Jun to 24 Aug 2019. It features recommended titles, award winners, best sellers, and the highly circulated books. Scan the QR Code to access the e-books, or borrow the printed books at the Loan & Return Counter.


Waterproofing work to courtyard outside 1/F North Wing (7 June – 14 June 2019)

Notice Thursday, June 6, 2019 - 17:06

Waterproofing work will be carried out at courtyard outside 1/F North Wing from 7 June to 14 June 2019. Noise is unavoidable during the work period. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source (Trial)

News Tuesday, June 4, 2019 - 11:42

A full-text database supporting the study of the Belt and Road Initiative. It provides scholarly journals from various countries covering business trends, infrastructure, research collaboration and trade opportunities related to the initiative. 

Expiry date: 30 June 2020

EconBiz Student Competition 2019: Demonstrate your research proficiency and win grand prizes!

News Tuesday, June 4, 2019 - 09:10

Are you an expert researcher? Prove your research skills by taking part in the EconBiz Student Competition 2019. Simply answer a few questions with the assistance of EconBiz. You will have a chance to win fabulous prizes worth 500 euros!

Developed by the German National Library of Economics (ZBW), EconBiz is a search portal for economics and business literature that supports research and teaching with subject-specific information and direct access to full-text articles.

Since the Library joined the EconBiz Partner Network in 2013, our PolyU students have participated in the annual contest and won various prizes in 2014-16 & 2018, demonstrating a high level of competency in their research. Take part in it, and you could be the next winner!

Date: 3 - 19 June 2019
Eligibility: All university students in Hong Kong who are above 18 years old
For details, go to

贏取往日本交流機會,參加「笹川杯品書知日本」 2019 徵文比賽!

News Friday, May 31, 2019 - 11:06






  1. 徵文內容
  2. 截止時間
  3. 徵文對象
  4. 投稿方式
    1) 請通過電郵投稿,徵文稿須為word格式。
    2) 投稿接收郵箱:
    3) 投稿電郵主題請寫:《品書知日本2019》投稿
    4) 徵文稿件的檔案名格式為:姓名--學生証號碼--徵文的標題
    5) 本次比賽進入全國決賽階段後,將採用匿名審稿機制,請確定文章內沒有出現姓名和學校資料。
  5. 稿件要求
    1) 徵文語言:中文
    2) 字數限制:1500-2000字(不符合字數要求的徵文將被篩除)
    3) 文章體裁:自由(散文、詩歌除外)
    4) 格式要求:本次比賽以「書」為主題,請在文末以章節附註形式注明所閱圖書名稱及參考文獻。
  6. 徵文聲明:
    1) 參加過其他徵文活動並獲獎的作品不能參選。
    2) 獲獎作品的版權歸本活動主辦者所有,獲獎作品不能參加其他同類徵文活動。
    3) 應徵作品一律不予退稿,請參賽者自留底稿。
  7. 徵文獎勵
    1) 理大校內初選:
    2) 全國決賽評選:
  8. 徵文官網
  9. 評審結果


  1. 主辦單位: 上海交通大學圖書館、日本科學協會、人民中國雜誌社
  2. 理大校內初賽評審單位: 包玉剛圖書館、中文及雙語學系
