News & Events

BBC Landmark Video Collection, Volume 2 (Trial)

News Saturday, March 13, 2021 - 11:24

This collection provides exclusive HD view into the natural world and events which covers series like Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Big Cats and Dynasties, etc.

Expiry date: 30 Apr 2021

60 Minutes: 1997-2014 (Trial)

News Saturday, March 13, 2021 - 11:17

This collection exclusively from Alexander Street covers CBS News archives from this period.

Expiry date: 30 Apr 2021

Open Access Options for PolyU Authors

News Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 09:31

Open Access to scientific information and research data has never been more crucial than ever as evident from the fight against the COVID pandemic. As a researcher, you have the choice to make your research more open, reach as many people as possible, and maximize its impact to the society. Here are some Open Access options for PolyU Authors


Support of Open Access to Published Research through Institutional Archiving

As you may recall, the University has recently requested all academic staff to deposit the Final Accepted Manuscripts of their research outputs in the PolyU Institutional Research Archive (PIRA). By doing this, a version of your research work will be made available to both the research community and the larger public.

To submit your manuscript to PIRA, you may choose either of these channels:

For more information about Open Access through PIRA, please see our guide.

Publishing in Open Access Journals

Another way to make your research article Open Access is to publish in Open Access journals. This way, your work will be available immediately to the research community right after publication. In most cases, an Article Processing Charge (APC) may be charged to the authors when the paper gets accepted. PolyU authors now have 2 more options to publish in Open Access without paying for APC:

  1. Publish Open Access articles in Cambridge University Press (CUP) Journals

    PolyU authors can publish in CUP journals with APC fully waived during the period of 2021-2023. Visit our guide, or watch the training recording to learn how this works.

  2. Publish in IWA Open Access Journals

    PolyU authors can publish Open Access articles with APC fully waived in all IWA journals under Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) model. Visit our guide to learn more details.

For enquiries, please feel free to email us at, or contact your Faculty Librarian.

IUPAC Standards Online (Trial)

News Wednesday, March 3, 2021 - 09:20

A database created by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) covering international standards and recommendations extracted from Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

Expiry date: 31 Dec 2021

The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source (Trial)

News Tuesday, March 2, 2021 - 10:04

A full-text database supporting the study of the Belt and Road Initiative. It provides scholarly journals from various countries covering business trends, infrastructure, research collaboration and trade opportunities related to the initiative.

Expiry date : 30 June 2021

Publish Open Access Articles in Cambridge University Press Journals

News Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 16:49

Plan to submit your next paper to a journal by Cambridge University Press (CUP)? Or are you looking to publish your next article in Open Access?

Now you can publish your work in CUP journals in Open Access without paying for the Article Processing Charge (APC)!


The Library has signed a Read & Publish agreement with CUP, under which PolyU researchers can publish in their journals with APC fully waived during the period 2021-2023. Join this briefing session to learn how to submit your work to a CUP journal and get the APC waived.

The following topics will be included:

  • Open Access in PolyU and Open Access Publishing
  • Open Access Publishing with CUP: Author publishing workflow
  • How to find a journal which matches your manuscript
  • How to transact your APC waiver
  • Other support after the paper is published

Date : 3 Mar 2021 (Wed)
Time : 3:00 - 4:00pm
Venue : Zoom
Ms Caz Kerbyson (Training and Systems Support Manager, Cambridge University Press)
Ms Aster Zhao (Research Support Librarian, PolyU Library)

Register Now!
Registration will close on the day before the scheduled webinar.

About the Speaker:

Caz Kerbyson is the Training and Systems Support Manager at Cambridge University Press. She is responsible for ensuring the authors and customers of Cambridge feel confident when publishing their work in CUP journals.

Aster Zhao is a Research Support Librarian from PolyU Library. She also serves as the Faculty Librarian for Construction & Environment faculty and currently the interim Faculty Librarian for Engineering faculty. Her main responsibility includes providing research and publishing support services and user education to the university community.

China and the Modern World : Hong Kong Britain and China, 1841-1951 (Trial)

News Tuesday, February 23, 2021 - 13:10

A collection of British government documents on colonial Hong Kong digitized from the British Colonial Office.

Expiry date = 31 March 2021

iG Library (Trial)

News Tuesday, February 16, 2021 - 14:33

Ebooks from various publishers on iG Publishing platform.

Notes : Trial includes sample ebooks from the following publishers only :

              Business Expert Press
              Kogan Page
              Packt Publishing
              Princeton University Press

Expiry date: 31 Mar 2021

Reopening of Group Rooms Effective 16 Feb 2021

Notice Wednesday, February 10, 2021 - 08:58

All group rooms will be reopened on 16 Feb 2021. Eligible users may reserve the facility via iBooking system one day in advance. As a precautionary measure, the capacity of each group room will be capped at 4 users.

To protect oneself and others, all Library users are reminded to

  • Wear a mask properly at all times;
  • Observe the Library Food & Drink Policy. Put the mask back on as soon as possible after drinking. Do not consume any drinks when walking. 
  • Keep a safe social distance with others and not to move the tables and chairs away from their original places.

Before your visit to the Library, please check the Library Homepage for the latest service updates and opening hours.

Clarity English - Road to IELTS (5 concurrent users) (Trial)

News Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - 08:42

Road to IELTS helps learners of English with Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. The program helps IELTS candidates with every aspect of test preparation from understanding the tasks in the Reading paper, to dealing with nerves in the Speaking test — skills which are useful for all Intermediate-level learners of English.
