News & Events

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Closure of All Group Discussion Areas Effective 11 Dec 2020

Notice Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 16:16

In view of the latest pandemic situation, effective Friday 11 Dec 2020, all group discussion areas including those on G/F and 4/F North Wing will be closed until further notice. All group rooms remain closed.

To protect oneself and others, all Library users are reminded to

  • Wear a mask properly at all times;
  • Observe the Library Food & Drink Policy. Put the mask back on as soon as possible after drinking. Do not consume any drinks when walking. 
  • Keep a safe social distance with others and not to move the tables and chairs away from their original places.

Before your visit to the Library, please refer to the Library Homepage for the latest service updates and opening hours.

Do contact us for further clarification or enquiries.

[LER] Temporary overnight study space for PolyU students and staff (1 Dec 2020 to 30 Sep 2021)

Notice Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 18:05

[Updated on 1 Dec 2020]

The 24-Hour Study Centre located on G/F of the Library is now closed and it will be relocated to 1/F North Wing in the summer of 2021. Temporary overnight study spaces will be available for students on campus during the transitional period:

Location: CD301, 302, 303, 304, and Communal Space

Duration: 1 Dec 2020 to 30 Sep 2021

Time: After Library closes

* Temporary overnight study spaces will be closed when typhoon signal No.8 or above is hoisted.

To protect oneself and others, users are reminded to wear a mask properly at all times and keep a safe social distance with others

Do visit and bookmark the LER webpage to stay tuned for the latest update!

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

[Publishing Seminars] Getting Published in Nature and Nature Research Journals

Event Monday, November 30, 2020 - 13:01

Thinking of publishing your next paper in Nature journals? Want to learn some tips from editors to help you succeed?

In this webinar, Dr. Enda Bergin, Chief Physical Sciences Editor of Nature Communications, will share you what Nature editors look out for when considering a submitted manuscript.

Topics to be covered:

  • About Nature & Nature Research journals
  • What makes a good Nature paper?
  • What editors look for at the submission stage?
  • Editorial process of publishing in Nature journals
  • Open Science in Nature

Date: 10 Dec 2020 (Thu)
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Speaker: Dr. Enda Bergin (Chief Physical Sciences Editor of Nature Communications)

Register Now!

Registration will close on the day before the scheduled webinar.
The webinar will be delivered via Learn@PolyU (Collaborate Ultra).

About the Speaker

Dr. Enda Bergin joined Nature Research in 2013 as an editor and later team manager at Nature Communications. In 2017, he successfully launched Nature Catalysis, and was Chief Editor for almost 3 years. In 2020, he returned to Nature Communications as Chief Physical Sciences Editor. Prior to joining Nature Research, he had obtained a PhD in chemistry at University College Dublin, and carried out research at MIT, the University of Cambridge and UEA. He was an Assistant Professor in organic chemistry at Trinity College Dublin, and subsequently worked at the Royal Society of Chemistry across the inorganic titles.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to email us at, or call us at 2766-6863.

Need Past Papers to Prepare for Your Exams?

News Thursday, November 26, 2020 - 15:15

Need past papers to prepare for your exams? Find them in the PolyU Examination Paper Database

The PolyU Examination Paper Database collects examination papers received from academic departments of the University from 1968/1969 onwards. The Database indexes and stores digital copies of examination papers in PDF format for easy searching and retrieval online.

For copyright reasons, the PolyU Examination Paper Database is provided solely to PolyU staff and students for private study and research purposes only.

Closure of Group Rooms from 24 Nov 2020

Notice Monday, November 23, 2020 - 13:38

[Updated on 7 Dec 2020]

Due to the resurgence of coronavirus infections in the community, effective Tuesday 24 Nov 2020, all group  rooms will be temporarily closed until further notice.  Do contact us for further clarification or enquiries.

All users are required to wear a mask properly at all times when they are inside the Library. Users should not move the tables and chairs so as to keep a safe social distance.

Before your visit to the Library, please refer to the Library Homepage for the latest service updates and opening hours.

Library Special Reminders During Revision & Exam Period (23 Nov - 24 Dec 2020)

Notice Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 13:44

Library Hours During Revision & Examination Period

23 Nov - 20 Dec:  8:30 - 22:00
21 Dec: 8:30 - 19:00
22 Dec - 23 Dec: 8:30 - 22:00
24 Dec : 8:30 - 19:00

Alternative overnight study space
The 24-hour Study Centre located on G/F is now closed but alternative overnight study space will be provided in CD301 - 304 and Communal Space. For details, please click here.

Quiet study environment
Silence must be observed in the Library. Noisy users may be asked to leave the Library.

A variety of individual study spaces
Study carrels are available on 4/F and 5/F. Research carrels (Zone A and Zone C) and study seats in Research Carrels (Zone B) on 3/F are open for booking by eligible users one day in advance via PolyU iBooking System.

Be considerate and check out facilities after use
Tap your PolyU ID Card on the check-out reader nearby to release your booked group rooms on G/F and 3/F, research carrels, and study seats in carrels on 3/F after use.

Past examination papers 
PolyU Examination Paper Database collects the examination papers received from academic departments of the university. Need Past Papers to prepare for your Exam? Try it now!

Access by JULAC Library Card holders

Notice Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 11:04

Access to PolyU Library for JULAC Library Card holders is temporarily suspended until further notice due to reduced seating and examination period. During this period, students and staff from other JULAC institutions can still access our books using the HKALL service. Should the COVID-19 pandemic situation allow, PolyU Library plans to resume access to JULAC card users around the latter half of December 2020. Details of resumption of access will be announced around mid-December.

Travel & Health Declaration for Graduate Library Card Holders & other Library Card Holders to access the PolyU campus

Notice Monday, November 9, 2020 - 10:43

The University requires all students, staff, and visitors to complete the Travel and Health Declaration Form at the campus entrances before they are allowed entry to campus since February 2020. All valid Library Card holders (Graduate, Special Borrower, Reader, etc.) who would like to access the Library are therefore required to complete the Form upon their first-time access via the PolyU campus entrance.

As informed by the University’s Facilities Management Office, visitors may be requested to submit the declaration again from time to time. Normally, only after a Library Card is renewed or replaced, or if there are any subsequent changes in the travel and/or health status, Library Card holders will be required to submit the Travel and Health Declaration again at the campus entrance.

If you have any questions about the campus access arrangements, please contact Campus Control Centre of Facilities Management Office at 2766 7666.

Thank you for your attention.

Chinese Text Project (Trial)

News Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - 11:04

An online digital library that makes pre-modern Chinese texts available to readers and researchers. It covers over thirty thousand titles and more than five billion characters with plug in text tools to support digital humanities projects.

Expiry date: 1 Dec 2020

Pay Tribute to Someone Special through Honour with Books 卷軸流芳

News Monday, November 2, 2020 - 10:48
Honour with Books 卷軸流芳 provides a meaningful way to pay tribute to and recognize someone special while supporting the University Library. Your gift in honour of a loved one, family member, friend or teacher, or in celebration of a milestone, will be used to enrich the library collection in support of learning, teaching and research of the University.
In recognition of your generous support, a unique commemorative bookplate bearing your name and the name of the person you are honouring will be placed in a newly purchased book in the library collection with a contribution of HKD$500. You can even select a special book of your choice from the existing library collection for placing a commemorative bookplate with a contribution of HKD$1,000.
For fresh graduates, Honour with Books provides an opportunity for you to commemorate your graduation and cherish the memories of your days at PolyU in a unique and meaningful way. A commemorative bookplate in celebration of graduation will be a wonderful gift to treasure.
We call on your continuous support to the Library! Make a contribution through Honour with Books now!
Honour with Books
