Considering to publish your first academic book? Not sure how to get your next book published with a top international publisher?
This webinar aims to guide you through the procedures you need to know when publishing an academic book. The speaker will also share with you what publishers look out that an author needs to take note of.
Topics to be covered:
- Background to academic publishing
- How to shape a book proposal
- What commissioning editors are looking for
- Preparing a book proposal
- The book publishing process
- Creating impact with your research
- Q&A and discussion on ideas for book proposal
We are also very privileged to have an author from PolyU joining our session - Dr William Feng, the Associate Professor at the Department of English. He will share his experiences in book publishing with Routledge.
Date: 3 Nov 2020 (Tue)
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Platform: Learn@PolyU (Collaborate Ultra)
Speaker: Ms. Katie Peace (Publisher and Social Sciences & Humanities Editorial Team Manager for Routledge Asia Pacific)
Panelist: Dr. William Feng
Register Now
Registration will close on the day before the scheduled webinar.
The webinar will be delivered via Learn@PolyU (Collaborate Ultra).
About the Speaker:
Katie Peace is the Publisher for Social Sciences and Humanities books for Routledge in Asia Pacific. She manages a team of editors in the Routledge Singapore and Australian offices and is responsible for the commissioning of all types of book content. With more than 17 years of experience in the publishing industry globally, she has insights into the academic journals and books publishing processes and specialises in advising and guiding authors to produce the best publishing output.
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About the Panelist :
Dr William Feng is the Associate Professor at the Department of English at PolyU. His main research interest is multimodal discourse analysis. He has recently published an edited volume “Multimodal Approaches to Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting” with Routledge (co-edited with Prof Zhang Meifang) and is currently under contract with Routledge for a monograph “Multimodal Chinese Discourse”.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to email us at lbres@polyu.edu.hk, or call us at 2766-6863.
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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University