SciFinder Discovery

Available at : Online Access through SSO login
Off-campus Access Rights : P - PolyU Staff/Students only
On-campus Access Rights : P - PolyU Staff/Students only
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SciFinder Discovery, an upgraded version of SciFinder-n and SciFinder, is the most comprehensive database and tool for discovering chemical information. It is developed by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). Its contents include journal articles, information on chemical structures, properties, reactions, analytical methods, formulas, and life science data. Users can search literature by topic, author, and search substances by name or CAS Registry Number, or drawing a chemical structure. 


Existing users of SciFinder-n and SciFinder:

Please follow the steps below to login:

  1. Access SciFinder Discovery via the SSO link above
  2. Login with your NetID and NetPassword
  3. If it is your first login to SciFinder Discovery via SSO, the system will search for an existing account for matching. Check the information provided. Click “Link Accounts” to continue access to your existing account.


New SciFinder Discovery users:

Please follow the steps below to login:

  1. Access SciFinder Discovery via the SSO link above
  2. Login with your NetID and NetPassword
  3. If it is your first login to SciFinder Discovery via SSO, you will be asked to verify your identity. Check the information provided and confirm your identity. A new account is then created for you.



Once a user has accessed their account via SSO login, he will no longer be permitted to access via CAS ID and password.


Important Notes:

  • Users should not use Virtual Private Network (VPN) service when accessing e-resources from off campus. This may trigger suspension of user's account.
  • For security reason, you are advised to change NetPassword regularly via IdPortal and follow the password rules. Please visit the ITS website for details.