Thinking of publishing your next paper in a Cell Press journal? Wish to get some tips from the editors?
In this webinar, Dr. Jiqing Sun, Scientific Editor from Matter, will share with you the editorial process and some tips of publishing in Cell Press journals. The following topics will be discussed:
- Cell Press and the Journal Introduction
- In house editorial and peer review process
- Editor's insights
Matter is a new journal from Cell Press and a sister journal to Cell, Chem and Joule. It publishes high-profile papers in the field of material science, providing a platform for the innovative material papers from all fields, including bio-material, energy material and optical material, etc. Matter has been indexed in Web of Science SCIE since Oct 2020.
All postgraduate students and staff in material science and related fields are welcome!
Date: 25 May 2021 (Tue)
Time: 2:30 - 4:00pm
Platform: Learn@PolyU (Collaborate Ultra)
Speaker: Dr. Jiqing Sun (Scientific Editor of Matter, Cell Press)
Register Now!
Registration will close on the day before the scheduled webinar.
About the Speaker:

Jiqing Sun is the Scientific Editor of Matter, Cell Press. He received dual Ph.D. degrees from Griffith University (Australia) and NCNST (CAS, China). He specializes in emerging two-dimensional materials and carbon-based materials. His doctoral work focused on the field of electrochemistry, including oxygen-involved electrochemical reactions and batteries.
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