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  • Integrate Library eLearning Resources with Learn@PolyU


    PolyU Examination Paper Database - a valuable resource for examination preparation

    The PolyU Examination Paper Database, produced by the Pao Yue-kong Library, contains past examination papers (1995/1996+) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University submitted by departments. Based on the examinations papers provided by different departments, their digital copies are stored in PDF format in the Database (except for aged examination papers, their hard copies can be requested at the Circulation Counter). The database will continue to be updated with newly received examination papers from academic departments, together with additions of past examination papers prior to 1995/1996.

    Examination papers can be searched by subject title, subject code, programme & department, as well as academic year. All these indexes are available on the search window for browsing, which provide useful reference for searching examination papers.


    Electronic Resources on Study Skills

    A wide range of eLearning materials on study skills are available for reference by students, including various formats such as online eLearning programmes, DVD videos and electronic books, etc.