Are Library services meeting your needs? Tell us what you think to help us serve you better, and get a chance to win fabulous prizes below.
Start the survey NOW. It takes about 10-minute to complete.
Lucky Draw Prizes: Apple iPad (x1), Microsoft Surface Go (x1), Samsung Galaxy Tab A (x1), Apple Pencil (x1), Fujifilm Instax Share SP-2 Mobile Printer, Eslite $100 Gift Card (x10), Laptop Backpack (x25)
This year, the Library adopts LibQUAL+, an international web-based survey administered by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) of the United States, which has been used by 1300+ libraries around the world. The results will help the Library identify best services, analyze deficits, and allocate resources to meet the evolving needs of our users.
The survey will run through 22 November 2019 (Friday).